Facebook, unarguably the biggest social media platform with close to 3 Billion users around the world is ‘the’ best place for marketing a business or to become a successful social media influencer. While keeping the advantages in mind, we should also know some mistakes that people make on Facebook which can hurt their goals. So, in this article I am going to list such seven mistakes that you need to avoid on Facebook.
Let’s start with it
7 Mistakes you need to avoid on Facebook

Here are listed seven mistakes that you need to avoid on Facebook
1. You are targeting the wrong audience
Before starting any functioning online, you need to do a thorough research on your targeted audience. If you are targeting the wrong audience then you will not achieve your goal for which you joined Facebook. If you are taking your business online or if you are trying to gain popularity as an influencer you need to first identify your target audience.
Let’s say, if you are trying to become a fashion influencer and you are targeting people who are interested in to sports or science then this is a very big mistake that you are doing. So find your target audience first. If you sell shoes then find the audience that is interested in buying shoes.
2. You post irrelevant content
Again, if you sell shoes and you are posting content about clothes then isn’t it a stupid thing to do. Well, it is such a common sense to have that what you are selling or promoting, post about that only. And within that, you need to post according to the needs and preferences of your audience.
3. Posting too little or too frequent
Both of the situations are not favorable for a business or if you are an influencer. Let’s say for a news outlet it is completely fine to post many times a day because this is their job. They have to post whats happening real time. On the other hand, for an influencer posting too much would look desperate and posting too little would look like you are not interested in your audience.
So, according to your level of engagement with the audience you can decide how much you want to post. If you are new to this platform then you need to post regularly; not like news outlet but yes like 1 post daily or 1 post in two days. But if the level of engagement with your audience is good enough then you don’t need to post more often, you can post, lets say twice a week.
4. Poor quality posts
This is another common mistake that people make and you should avoid that. If your posts are not original then it will not help you in anyway to build a connection with your audience. Posting other people’s post is not a great idea unless it is for a campaign or a good cause. Your post should be high quality and original. It should represent your personality or your brand values. Also, posting pictures would be an added advantage, but they need to be high quality and appealing to your audience.
5. Ignoring people’s response
One reason why people join social media platform like Facebook is to connect to you. So, if you want to build a connection with them which will only enhance your popularity then don’t ignore their responses. Social media give them the power to tell you if they like certain post or picture that you posted or if they have any suggestions for you which they can share through comments, you should appreciate that and once in a while take a look at their responses and response them back which will show your true personality that you actually care about what your audience thinks about your content or your products and services.
For businesses it is really important to receive feedback of their customers and replying them accordingly. If someone asks a question regarding your product then provide them with the answers and try to reply as many users as you possibly can. Because it is totally understandable that you can’t reply to each one of the follower if you have thousands of followers but when you are starting new; when you don’t have that many followers try to reply them back.
6. Posting at the wrong time
Many celebrities and influencers have been trolled for posting the wrong post at the wrong time. Let’s say, there is a flood situation in your state and you are posting picture about a trip to a famous beach. That would create a very bad impression about your personality. So, before posting make sure the time is right. This happened with a few celebrities who promoted Chinese smart phones on their social media accounts when the tensions heightened between the two countries and people were asking to boycott Chinese products so don’t make that mistake.
7. Bad English
English, which is the most spoken language of the world is the most popular means to connect with the audience. It gives you a wider reach to audience all around the world. And followers are very quick in pointing out any grammatical error. So to save you from this embarrassing moment always proofread before you click that press button.
To wrap up
We all know the importance of social media, how it can boosts the breakthrough of an artist and how it can be used to promote business or technology. It provides a very wide platform which can make or break your online strategy. So to make your Facebook strategy successful don’t make these mistakes.