Aphone which is of paper, is it a joke? You need to believe in this because Google is looking to introduce with a Paper Phone for those who are smartphone addict. Smartphones are the ones that never make you feel bore and yes you can operate it anytime anywhere if you want. Some of the users took advantage of smartphones as they forget that smartphone is just to help you, not for your addiction. Once again we appreciate to Google for their experiment in form of paper phone. Now this will help you to keep yourself away from smartphones if you are addicted of it.
How this piece of paper can break your addiction?
Google termed this Paper phone experiment as the best technology to not keep you an addict. It will enable the addicted people to get a “Digital Detox”. Nowadays you can see every child who is just 10 to 13 years old is addicted to smartphones and in fact they have their own personal mobile too. If they are addicted in this age then you can imagine in coming years how the situation can be.

Every tech has an objective before they launch and this blog is about the smartphone new technology called Paper Phone so of course, it has a motive. Google said, “We hope this little experiment can help you try a digital detox from technology and help you focus on the things that matter the most.” The only purpose of this app is that you will focus on that which is most important. The paper phone app will allow you to make a memo of important work and then you can print it on paper to make a personal booklet. You can include in it important work, contacts, meetings, events so that you will not distracted and can focus on those work.
Well, this can be a good decision because users can’t spend too much time and just use this tech when required only. Google said, “Code for the app is available on Github for people to play with and hopefully adapt and evolve.”
What Google did earlier for ‘Digital Detox’?
Most of the users thought that this is something new experiment of Google but fortunately it’s not new. To reduce the addiction of smartphone this is the second attempt of Google. Earlier Google introduced an app for Android users with Digital wellbeing feature to help the smartphone addicted people. In this you can track your smartphone usage timing and can reduce the use. Under Wellbeing feature Paper phone is the second attempt. And this is also for Android users.
Do you like this idea? Of course, it is the best idea folks because it enables the user to give up their phones for a day at least perform every task via piece of paper. About this idea, Google said, “a lot of people feel that they spend too much time on their phones and struggle to find a balance with technology. Paper Phone helps you have a little break away from your digital world by printing a personal booklet of the key information you’ll need that day.”
We don’t think so nobody has any negative questions or any negative point regarding this paper phone. The app Paper Phone is ready to use. You can download it from pay store. The tech presented by Google is just to help you where there is no chance to become an addict.
Above we have explained you what to add in the application and how it will help you. We will update you folks if we get any further information. Till then get in touch with us for more updates.