To win the heart of the users is everyone’s aim. If they got success in doing so then you all know what will be the result is. Money is second priority but you can achieve the goal of getting popularity soon. Do you know how difficult it is to develop the successful mobile application? Suppose you have to reach the office and at that time you don’t have any conveyance to travel. What will you do? Instead of taking help from friends I will just pick my mobile phone and make use of the application like Uber cab. This app is specially used for this concept. You can book your cab and it will reach to your home and drop you at your destination. I know you will also do the same.
Be smart and safe, app concept can’t be so easy for you.

Mobile applications always show you its outstanding features. No matter at what place or at what time you are operating such applications. Still, some people are afraid to download the application because they don’t want to be the victim of fraudulent. Well, actually there fear is genuine. Many corrupt people are active in the market. They just develop fraud apps and steal your personal data and can create huge loss to you. Don’t worry, today I am gonna share some steps for the IOS operator to check if the app they install from Apple play store is safe or not.
Steps to remember before downloading an app in iPhone.
1. Check your source
So the first step which we want to share with you is about the sources. We all know Apple is one the most reputed company but still many fraud developers can create apps in their play store. These are the third party who provides apps in App store. Those apps were not controlled by the phone manufacturer. You don’t have to worry folks but always remember that if you are downloading any application then download it from the known source. Before downloading any app take time to know the source. If you want to know which app market is trustworthy then read these four points too to know more.
2. Terms of service that is developed
I hope the first step you will always remember before downloading the application. Another is about terms and conditions. Before downloading any app you must have to read it carefully. It is a set of requirements, restrictions and limitations which you have to agree before downloading any app. You also can say that when you tap on ‘agreed’ or ‘I accept’ then legally you gave the permission to an app to do whatever mention in T&C. Sometimes you did not read and after downloading you realize that this app is not suited for your need. So always read the T&C carefully.
3. Show contact information and a troubleshooting FAQ
So the next is an important one like the first. It is about the application. We all know these days some mobile applications are best to use and some are worst and should be avoided. You should always check the review about the apps and rate what the audience has given. If you watch out the review then you get to know about the whole process of the application that what it is. You can also check out the spelling and grammatical mistake. If the information has lots of grammatical mistakes and not so good English they have written then, of course, the app is fake.
4. Criteria of app developers were strict
Most of us ignored it to check but this is an important and that is the app permission process. Suppose you download the app from Apple App store and when you operate the app it takes permission to reach on your SMS, contacts or any other option then what will you do? You can’t give them permission to access because that is the biggest reason to be the victim of fraudulent. Suppose you download a game app and at the time of installing app is asking for permission to access contact. Have you ever thought game app why need the permission of your contact? This is to steal your entire contact list. You have to play smartly. If any app wants such permission then simply deny it. If an app asks for such permissions again then uninstall the app on the spot.
5. Proper history of removing vendor with the worst content
This is the last one for you to remember if you are an IOS user and wants to download the app which is safe to use. To do this you should know the number. Here number means you should check out that how many times the application downloaded from the App store. The application is called out to be the safe if it is downloaded millions of time. You can use that application and safely install it. Here we also want to highlight that if it is not downloaded too many times then it doesn’t mean that the app is fake but you have to keep your inspection properly and watch everything.
Final Words
Before downloading any app collect the information as much as you can about the app. Knowledge is the biggest tool to fight against anything wrong. My suggestion is to you all that when you find any app suspicious then don’t be uninstall silently. Must report the app on Play Store and also give them rating and write reviews. By doing this you can save others too to download such apps. For more updates get in touch with us.