Frankly speaking, working these days with the topmost or multinational companies is now becoming a burden. You can say it gives you lots of reputation and good amount of money but what about the problems, which you have suffered due to changes made in these companies. These days companies totally depend on the other one whether it operates in India or any other country because these cases generally we saw in abroad areas where first people maintain good relation for the business and suddenly cut off from them.
It’s true and here we are talking about the company Huawei which is a Chinese company and I don’t think so it needs any kind of introduction because everyone uses it’s smartphone that they sell and also it provide telecommunication equipment for the users.

Its business is growing and gets access all over the world even in the country USA but suddenly what happens the US Company disconnects their connection with the Chinese telecommunication technology and so now onward no USA company work for Huawei.
We did research related to this matter and here we get to know that Huawei temporary license of Android is going to end this year in the month of August. I think it is simply means that they are not liable to get an update from the Google and can’t use the Google play store. Well, it’s shocking news when such a company who is the biggest one after the Samsung is now facing such bad condition in the market. Now, what do you think they will do? They have already a solution for that as after getting such disappointment from the US companies.
Its tough situation for Google, Oak OS ready to launch.
Now they have started their own operating system with the name of Oak OS. They are totally working on this process and in social media, they shared that “Huawei is testing for two operating systems and that is Hong Meng OS which is for the Chinese market and the next is for the Global market name Oak OS”.
If such a situation happens then sorry to say the US Company can face many trouble situations because the operating system Oak can replace the Google so it’s a higher chance for Huawei to get back in the game. Also, it can replace Google on non-Huawei smartphones and they may generate a huge loss to the US Companies.
If the US Companies mix the economic and security purpose with many others then we are sure that they will also search for other operating systems or you can say they look for an alternative of US Companies. Now here we will also share what Google said related to this matter. They simply warned US government for potential risks of blacklisting Huawei as Google believes that the operating system they testing is not secure one and create more bugs for the users.
So, the system can be hacked and create more issues for the Huawei. It will decrease the reputation of the Company completely. If we get more information related to this we will definitely share with you in coming days.
I don’t know Google has done a great job or not, to boycott the Huawei Company. But the fact is when Huawei will launch its operating system Oak in the market then most of the audience will forward there. It will be seen in the coming month that what will happen after that. We will definitely update you if we get any new update regarding this matter.