Future technological innovations that will play an important for solving the environmental issues.
Saving the environment for the betterment of our future generation is essential. The way we are using our natural resources is going to bring devastating consequences in coming times. We are already witnessing the effects of global warming in form of frequent occurrence of earthquakes, Tsunami, volcanic eruption, acid rain etc.
Therefore, on the eve of earth day we are going to enlist some renewable technological innovations that you will see in coming future. As these technological innovations plays an important role in saving the environment.
Organic batteries
This is the concept on which scientist and researchers of various nations are currently working. They are trying to find out the ways for the sustainable storage of energy. Conventional batteries are capable of doing this but the development cost is very high.

This concept is not like something new because in the past ancient world organic batteries were existed. Proof of which can be found in Baghdad where using fruit juice or grape wine on batteries for generating the power, Modern scientist just recreating the old lost technology.
Nuclear energy
Nuclear energy has been produced By combining thorium, uranium and plutonium. This whole process for producing energy is called nuclear fission. Electricity has been produced by the use of nuclear energy. In coming times apart from solar energy we may witness the rise of nuclear based electronic devices and gadgets as an alternative to traditional source of energy such as Coal, petroleum, fossils, etc.
Currently India has 7 active nuclear reactors
- Kudankulam (Tamil nadu)
- Tarapur (Maharashtra)
- Kaiga (Karnataka)
- Kalapakkam (Tamil nadu)
- Kakarapar (Gujarat)
- Narora (Uttar Pradesh)
- Rawatbhata (Rajasthan)
Apart from this, development of India’s first nuclear smart city Amravati (Andhra Pradesh) is ongoing project. This city is going to be completely powered by nuclear energy. But the only problem or risk with the nuclear energy is the excretion of nuclear waste generated by the nuclear plants. Excretion of nuclear waste is a complex process if not been handled properly then the leakage of radiation can occur.
Harmful effects of nuclear energy can be observed in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki the cities of japan where nuclear bomb has been dropped during World War 2 until the transfer of sophisticated technology. The technology is requiring for cleaning up of nuclear waste takes place. Till then use of Nuclear energy as a means of environment saving technology cannot be implemented in India. Since India is tropical country it means that India receive blessing of sun throughout the year so the solar energy will always going to be prime choice of Renewable technology.
Solar energy
It refers to using a sun rays as a source of power, India is a tropical country which means that it receives sun rays throughout the year. Slowly and steadily India is entering in the list of the nations which are using solar energy as a primary source of sustainable energy. Recently India has developed solar train; a train runs on solar energy during the day and in night which uses the battery charged by solar rays as a source of power. Solar heaters, Lamps and other agriculture devices is becoming main stream especially in the rural India.
People have installed solar panels on their rooftop for generating the electricity which is enough to run your home-fan and for boiling of water. Efforts has been made to make the Home based solar connectors and plants strong enough to Rum Air conditioner or Television for an entire day. Solar technology still has a space for improvements until it become a common means of generating energy.
Bio/organic farming methods for improving soil and land fertility
During the Green revolution of 1960’s use of HYV (High yielding variety) Seeds, insecticide and pesticide was implemented by the government. For making India self-reliant on food but these push reforms at that time by government now creating problems.
The farmers of India have been excessively using these methods of farming which degraded the soil fertility. Introduction of Bio technological methods of farming can solve these problems as cow dung plant; fertilizer generated from cow dung and animal waste etc. has been encouraged in the rural India for the production of organic fruits and vegetables.
Organic farming techniques such as Bio-pest have been encouraged in the villages by the Indian government. Result of these policies already producing the effective results. For example, Sikkim has become the full fledge organic state of India.
By understanding above mentioned points we can say that developing economies like India and Brazil has shown their efforts for reducing the global warming and environmental issue. But the truth is that the environmental issues which the world is now witnessing are the result of western modernization and mass technological development. We all have to take correct and strict actions to save the nation but the developed nations such as U.S, Britain and Germany etc. has the primarily responsibility of saving the environment should these nations.