Whether it is a site or app, gaming has become popular day by day across all platforms. Especially among the youngsters who spend most of their time in playing online games. Future of game applications seems bright because of day to day technological advancement, introduction and Up gradation of new game apps.
Since the future of game applications is bright it is also a good choice for building a career in game app developing industry. That’s why today we are going to discuss about some of the major game app developing tools available in the market.

Studio- Game Maker-
If you are new in the games app development industry then this is the best tool for you. Because its drag and drop system feature allows game app developer/designer to build games at a quicker rate as compared to other game app developing tools.
Stencyl –
Just like “Game Maker studio” it is also commonly used tool for game app developers. Same drag and drop feature like game maker which provide flexibility to designer/developer to create flash games faster than any other program. It is also used by designers to create instant prototypes of their game ideas.
It is a game developing tool developed by unity technologies for mobile platform its developing engine runs on C# programming language and has its own scripting language known as unity script.
Unity is cross platform tool that is compatible with across all platforms, just like any other tool it also has in-built editor. Which grants developer ability to edit images and organize animations from animator window. Being a developer/designer if you want to create game across diversified range of devices then unity is the best choice for you.
Corona SDK-
Corona SDK (software development kit) is an advanced game developing tool developed and designed by corona labs incorporation. Compatible with almost all the operating systems such as IOS, android, apple, kindle, windows phone etc. and supports both mobile and computer platform. It also has its own developing engine known as opengl and LUA as its own scripting language.
For advanced features like native libraries and APIs you need to buy professional/enterprise version of the software, while it also comes in free basic version where you can design and develop games freely.
In order to make designer and developer task easy and convenient Corona SDK also provide additional feature of corona editor and text plugin in which developer can build graphical environment to design different levels and understand the interaction between the objects.
It is an open source platform game developing tool mostly used for designing and developing 2d games across the world but can also be used for designing 3d games. It is also a most commonly used developing platform around the globe works on two programming languages known as Objective C and Swift supports java script compatible across all the platforms.
The platform uses opengl as its developer engine to render optimized 2d graphics. While developing game on android platform you required spritebuilder Android for creating projects and builds a graphical design environment for building prototypes of the games.
In terms of games developing tool there is no other program or tool which can provide you as greater flexibility and convenience other than marmalade which let you create anything its developing/designing feature range quite big ranging from single player 2d games to multiplayer 3d titles.
It supports C++, HTML5, java script and LUA scripting language compatible across all the platforms. Game developing tool marmalade also provide special feature called marmalade juice through the use of which developer/designer can do the porting of games from IOS to android platform easily. Famous games like call of duty, world at war (zombies) and doodle jump etc. all designed and developed on marmalade platform.
Cry engine-
It is a game developing tool design and developed by Crytek Company made in Germany. This platform mostly used for designing and developing of P.C and console 3D games.
This game developing tool specialize in first shooter games such as counter strike, call of duty, half-life etc. for creating other advanced category of games you require the support of C++, Lua script and visual studio in cry engine.
One thing for sure due to its advance features such as motion blur, depth of field, per object shadow maps, voxel based illumination advance A.I (artificial intelligence), multi-layer navigation mesh, parametric skeletal animation, real time dynamic caustics etc. It is not a tool for beginners/novice game developers it is an advanced gaming tool mostly recommended for experience game app developers.
Famous and trendsetting games like far cry, crisis, enemy front, and sniper: Ghost warriors 2 etc. all are developed and designed on Cry engine.
Above mentioned all the game developer tools are the major player in game app developing market. Beginner/experience does not matter games app designed on these tools are good enough to make an instant impact in the users mind, Therefore, these tools are highly prefer for creating game applications.