If someone says that price on product or on something can fall from tomorrow then I can imagine it but it is too hard to imagine that there is a solution to stop hackers. Who are Hackers? Hackers are someone who doesn’t care about others, who don’t know how much hard-work has someone, did for their business. All they want to do is just steal their information with their special tactics and earn some money.
Big loss of doctor-patient records
Here I can’t highlight the tactics of Hackers, how they do? Because there are several steps they know for you where you simply became the victims of them. After that they rule in your system. This is what happened in Indian Healthcare website that hackers attack that and steal 68 lakh records. Obviously, it is a big loss for everyone because people trust on healthcare website.
I don’t understand why we people always take action when the incident happen, if we keep ourselves alert from starting days then I don’t think so the situation like this create again. We heard many news regarding the hacking information that due to phishing emails or anything they enter and just hack our personal and financial data. Right now I am going to share recent news regarding the healthcare website related to hacking. So just read out what happens-
What hackers did with healthcare website?
This information is regarding the hacking on Indian healthcare website we get to know from US-based cyber-security firm that hackers with their tactics stole 68 lakh records. They stole information of patients and doctors from the firm of India-based Healthcare website. Obviously, it is ridiculous as material of doctors and patients is too important because it is related to treatment and if such situation happens then it’s a big loss to both of them.

Due to this doctors can’t get to know about the patient’s disease history. According to Indo-Asian News Services, they didn’t speak about the name of the website. They have no knowledge related to the website’s name but according to a report Chinese Cyber criminals were selling the data. We get to know that they were selling the data from Healthcare organization and web portal in the Underground market.
FireEye shares a report to IANS, check it out
US based cyber security firm FireEye shared a report regarding this matter to private Indian news agency IANS so I want all of you to get aware of it. FireEye said that “In February, a bad actor that goes by the name Fallensky519 stole 6,800,000 records associated with an India-based healthcare website that contain patient information and personally identifiable information, doctor information and PII and credentials”.
This is what shared by FireEye directly to IANS. If you don’t know about FireEye then let me tell you that the role of FireEye is to observe all such things. Even they observed multiple instances of healthcare-associated database which was sold on underground forums. We get to know that it was sometimes less than $2,000 and that’s between October 1 2018 and March 31 2019. Now the firm FireEye said that they are investigating such situation and they are ready to acquire healthcare research by multiple Chinese advanced persistent threat groups.
What IANS think about it?
They are just fed up from all such hacking concepts as they revealed on the report which we mentioned above. I know Chinese corporation is the best one in all such hacking concepts even IANS agree with this as they said more issues related to hacking by Chinese hackers.
If you are unaware about it then let me remind you that this year in the month of April, Chinese were ready to target on US health care center. The center is for focusing on cancer research. Not only one group, other Chinese groups also already targeted this organization previously. I don’t know whether they succeed on this mission or not. One more incident happens on the same month as we get to know from researchers about famous center called MD Anderson Cancer Research that they were dismissed. Yes they were on the suspicious of stealing all such medical research that is important and they steal information for the Chinese Government. I will here share you a name called APT 22 which is a Chinese group and they decided to focus on biomedical, pharmaceutical and healthcare organization in the past continue to work and ready to active in every situation. The group which we shared above is the reason for both incidents.
Statement of Principal Analyst of FireEye intelligence.
Luke McNamara is the Principal Analyst and he talks about the healthcare aspects in a report as he says healthcare only focus on IoT devices such as inventory tracking smart storage, remote patient monitoring and also tracking system. With this, it also increases the theoretical attack surface and that is ready for every healthcare organization. He said, “Compromise of these devices could be used for a variety of purpose such as to sow confusion by creating false patient alert, facilitate theft by changing inventory data and move laterally through a network to conduct further compromises after breaching an insecure device”.
Let me introduce you another Chinese hacking group APT41 and APT10.
I am going to tell you another group related to China and that is APT41 which is a hacking group that attacks against healthcare, technology, telecommunication, education and also in gaming business. It launched the spear-phishing campaign alongside the same entity. Here they did not stop; between 2014-16 APT41 have the power to attack against those companies that owned medical device unit. They issue a certificate called keylogger that acts against Biotech Company. With this, they got a chance to steal all such data like developed drugs, academic information, funding related documents and many more.
Another hacking group is APT10. In 2017, APT10 start sending spear-phishing emails. The group was caught for sending such phishing emails to Japanese medical firm. There were some crafted messages found which sent by the group to cancer research conferences.
China is one of the countries that not only have advanced technology to grow but also it has some advanced hacking groups which are ruling everywhere. Here one thing is important to know. What you think why Chinese hackers group is hacking the healthcare website again and again? Behind this there must be a reason. The cancer rate is growing rapidly in China and this cause the sudden death. To get rid out of this situation they are doing unethical activity. By this way they are trying to find the reason of cancer and its medicine. They are also able to launch new medicines in the market before any firm. Here the firms of healthcare and every industry need to do something to get out of this problem.
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