In modern era the most difficult situation for any individual faces in the life is choosing a career or pursues his dream. Choosing a career is not easy, fear of failure always remain in a mind. But this situation can be solved if one tries to make his passion into […]


Security, security, security, whether it’s home, country, human, website, mobile application or be it any case, it has become grist of the gossip mill. Here we discuss how you prevent apps from hacking? Talking particularly about the technical world, then security glitches are nothing new here. Neither a tech giant Google […]


Smart phone apps to learn English fast and quick Learning English is become an essential because no matter in which part of the world you are residing. If you want to communicate worldwide or across the globe with the peoples of different ethnicity then only English can help you in […]

How an app developer can get fund to develop an app

FUNDING IS MOST IMPORTANT TO DEVELOP AN APP Dream to be an app developer? Wants to develop an app? Well, it’s easy to say but you have to cross several paths. To be an app developer your mind should be creative and you should always think about some innovative ideas […]

How to Recycle Your Old Smartphones?

Ways of recycling your old devices…. Now-a-days living without technology is not possible. Same goes for smartphones Technological advancement such as new version of smartphones getting launched in the market every day. New launch give rise to the problem of over production because it might be possible the device you bought a […]

What are the top E-Learning Apps?

Get quick access for your business with E-Learning apps Looking to expand your business and need to run your business in the most effective way? No difficulty when the mobile applications are ready to involve with you. So, always involve the mobile application in your business that may surely help […]


IPHONE X Animoji’s to make it interesting. Animoji is an advanced technological feature which is introduced in Apple IOS12 version and exclusive feature of Apple IPHONE X launched in back 2017. The feature of Animoji has made the IPHONE X interesting in terms of chatting and messaging. Due to this feature, chatting and messaging […]

Are you aware about CLOUD APPS?

Cloud computing is a rising trend in modern digital age and applications which is based on cloud not so behind either. Cloud applications are fusion of both desktop and web applications which provide features of both to the user. Just like desktop applications it also comes with feature of offline mode where user can […]

Lets talk about the best app for group text

Gone are the days when you have to send separates messages from your contact list to invite the family members or relatives in a function or inviting the clients for seminars. The feature of group messages has made users life convenient in terms of making communication with large number of […]

App will work without internet, Is it possible?

How can you go outside to reach the destination if you don’t have your own conveyance? How can you book the air ticket through your smartphone? There are many such questions and all these can be solved with the use of mobile applications. The mobile application is something which brings […]

Are you aware about the Blockchain of App Development?

Did you know what the work of AppDevelopment Company is? Just to provide the mobile app? No, to make such mobile application for the user which they are looking for as of course, everyone wants to make their application popular in the market but to do is a big deal for everyone […]

Are you aware about Ionic App Development?

Where do you want to offer your app? It’s obviously your choice that you can offer in Native app store or Hybrid app store or in web apps but if you are looking for some interesting one then did you listen about the Ionic app. Are you aware of Ionicappdevelopment or their features or anything? We will discuss now how Ionic […]

Future Of Windows Phone App Developer

The future of windows phone app developers depends upon the question that what is the future of windows operating system itself? It might be still had a monopoly in computer market but when it comes to smartphone app market, windows is lacking behind android and IOS which collectively accounts for 99 percent […]