Follow these tips for keeping your site up at the times of crisis
Due to the advancement in communication technology internet has emerged and revolutionized the industrial sector. The way of doing business with old traditional methodologies, practices has been totally changed. Internet has gave birth to the digital marketing. This new form of marketing becomes essential tool for growth of any type of business now-a-days.
But new methodologies and practices also brings new types of challenges and crisis. Therefore, today we are going to tell you some effective ways to tackle these challenges so that you can keep your site up despite various odds.
Implement proper management plan
Crisis can occur in various forms and you could not depend upon only one type of solution. Different types of crisis need to be address differently for finding effective solution. Therefore, draft a management plan which can meet your business demands.

The management plan that includes flowchart shows who is in your organization contacted in case of a particular crisis. Try to ensure that your site and customer service personnel are up to date, with detailed contact information regarding your all executives.
Pause or suspend all outbound messages
At the time of crisis pause or suspend all your scheduled content post from your site and other social media channels. If possible switch to monitor on safe mode, this will prevent the leak of information to media or other public channels. Due to this nobody can able to make statement before the companies address the issue publicly and gave their explanations.
Develop a Crisis FAQ page
At the time of crisis tries to create micro website or landing page on the website. Designate a particular social media channel and placed all the data and information regarding crisis there.
This will grant you the ability to directly respond to queries and questions with link in place of answers. This practice will prevent the misinterpretation of your answers. In order to develop effective FAQ page your FAQ page must include these features:
- Update all bio-links
- Details regarding the incident
- Images and videos if available
- How the firm/company found out?
- Who was alerted when and how?
- Effects of the action
- Measures taken to avoid any future occurrence
Start responding on social media
The moment your FAQ page has been developed from that very moment thousands of queries began appearing on your page. Get ready for answering the queries and make the people believe that you are available for 24×7 hours at their service. Try to publish post of active social media accounts which includes:
- A brief summary
- Call to action feature
- Hashtags for spreading the information
- Checklist and safety measures if possible
In order to reach your target audience or potential customer need to use paid amplification or Boosted post.
You can also deploy limited duration Ad for reaching out large number of audience in very little amount of time.
You can also use twitter threads for linking new post to old posts and also make habit of using hash tags. Consistent use of hash tags will disseminate the messages and information effectively.
Most of the times site admin commit a mistake of creating new post instead of updating the older ones. Remember one thing that new post will take time to generate the traffic.
But if you update the older ones then the people who already read that will also receive the update in form of notifications. If possible then use Instagram stories instead of main feed to indicate progress overtime.
Above mentioned methods are chosen from wide list and the most effective for keeping your site up at the times of crisis.