I am always in doubt whenever two images presented in front of me and I have to choose which one is the best for me. Here we are talking about the game “PUBG” and yes the name is enough to say trending game of this year. Well, it was launched last year but still, I would say you can watch in most of the teenager’s smartphones. Once you start playing PUBG, you forgot the previous one and never look for other gaming apps to download. But this time another game is ready to download with the name of “Call of Duty”. It has been launched on 1st October 2019. Game lovers also calling it the rival of PUBG.
What is the aim of ‘Call of Duty’, wants to know that?

Every game has only one motive as I saw in PUBG, which just want to gain the best user experience and we already saw many such tournaments happen all over the world. Now if we talk about ‘Call of Duty’ then its goal is to bring familiar COD gameplay directly to the mobile for the game fans. Here you gonna see that it brings viral battle royal mode which enables you to challenge and you have win by last man standing one. Many of you can raise the question like “This game is a copy of PUBG” but trust me when you start playing, you never feel like it is a carbon-copy of PUBG mobile game.
What is the actual difference between these two
- Most of you reading this blog are PUBG addict and know every technique and how to play and win the match. Such pace you gonna see when you play classic mode matches in PUBG.
- Now if we start comparing with Call of Duty game then developer suggested that it gives more relaxation. You will love to spend time while looking at the environment in ‘Call of Duty’ if compared with PUBG where you need to struggle to find all such things.
- Understanding about both the games we get to know, PUBG is a theme around hardcore battle royal whereas game called ‘Call of Duty’ has more mission game approached.
If compared both games in terms of great Graphics
Okay, this is quite interesting as we all like to play such games where we watch out some exceptional graphics while playing games. First is PUBG and here I can say it is leading the gaming industry because of their flawless graphics. Whenever the developer updates the game, users saw good graphics and it keeps their interest alive. Now if comparison with “Call of Duty” then I would say it is also a better graphics platform for you all. Here you see the dresses of character are flawless and even the lighting effects are impeccable, so go for it.
What more special you can watch while playing “Call of Duty”
- If you have already created interest to play ‘Call of Duty’ then let me share something more. You can play here Deathmatches, Search and Destroy and Free for all on the iconic map such as Nuketown, Crash and also Hijacked.
- After playing again and again if you rank up then you can play the characters of John MacTavish and Alex mason.
- If you want to play alone then no problem. Also you can play it with a team. You have to battle at across land, sea and air. The beta version is available if you want to play then you can.
Final Thoughts
Ask from any teenager which game they play every day and I am sure most of them are PUBG addict. This article is basically for you all so that you can check PUBG rival when you play ‘Call of Duty’.
Above I told you something about ‘Call of Duty’ game and also relate it to PUBG. Now it is up to you whether you want to play it or still you feel good to be an addict of PUBG game only.
Enjoy the game and get in touch with us for more updates. Till then keep reading, keep playing.