The future of windows phone app developers depends upon the question that what is the future of windows operating system itself? It might be still had a monopoly in computer market but when it comes to smartphone app market, windows is lacking behind android and IOS which collectively accounts for 99 percent market share. Besides Microsoft has already shut downs the manufacturing of any hardware, software, application of its smart phone operating system back in 2017. We can say that it took few years to Microsoft in realizing that windows in smart phone market have been dead.
So the question arises what will happen to developers and designers that specializes in windows phone application designing? Well not to worry because windows phone have been finished but not the future of their application developers because Microsoft now has new objective and that is world beyond windows. What does literal term means? Well, currently windows are working on a new project following the objective of world beyond smart phone. We can also call this project as the era of smart devices. It is also known as foldable devices that will not only transform the future of mobile computing but will change definition of smart phone/device itself, as company already stated that era of smart phone is finished and it’s just a matter of time of people’s realization.

Microsoft is working with its OEM (original equipment manufacturer) partners on a project of foldable devices which will run on windows 10 not only the Microsoft but the Dell also working on a project of surface phone not only in terms of hardware but Microsoft also seeking innovations in its operating system, software, applications etc. So this is just a myth that there is no future of app developers of windows because as long as operating system exist so as the applications designers of windows.
Microsoft collectively working on future of the windows, office and surface of the company which has changed the way of its thinking company is undergone the process of overhaul of its operating system designs, features and applications. A year ago Microsoft has launched fluent the new designing language which was introduced in windows 10 and has advanced features such as animation and blur effects which was not there in previous designing language metro made for windows phone. By learning from the past failure, Microsoft is now focusing on operating system enhancement by enhancing the designing and interactive features of its products. They are taking care of that and they don’t make rush with the innovations but approaching everything slowly and step by step.
With developing and launched of apps like outlook, the Microsoft has gain success as it was currently used by more than 100 million users around the globe. Considered to be the nominee of best e-mail app on both app and Google play store ratings. The outlook has high ratings and reviews on both app and play store. Outlook app is result of Microsoft overhaul design policy which has given some type of idea what they were lacking in the past and also windows app developers had good news that company’s best designer are now working collectively on the future of hardware and software at the company.
Now the company’s focus has been shift instead of building their own software and hardware, platform indulge in creating and building designs, features, application for existing platforms along with invention of smart devices such as surface headphones just after the launch it became the big hit and now used by millions of users around the globe.
On a concluding note we can say that the future of windows phone app designers has more opportunities as compared to IOS and android because with the introduction of fluent design language, company now has open source platform of sharing idea, designs etc. The app developer working with Microsoft has greater flexibility in term of developing and designing apps. Due to under docks in smartphone app market, developer and designer does not have to worry about competency in market. Designer and developer are free to develop/create their own ideas. Overall Microsoft is a company which still works in a progress and leading towards innovation in technology by transforming and changing the way of existing technology itself.