We think Google is now shifting their minds from smartphones now they are looking toward the aboard cities for the development. Yes, it’s true a Company which is known as tech-giant now they are moving forward and focusing on Canada’s Capital Toronto and wants to create a smart city in a disused area of the state. The tech giant has given a green signal now to improve the disused area of Toronto and that’s a good job.
This project is not only going to be focused by Google only but also it is going to be handled by Google’s affiliate urban innovation company called Sidewalk Labs. We researched about the company Sidewalk Labs about this and we read out the statement shared by them. They said, “We are encouraged by today’s decision by the Waterfront Toronto board and are pleased to have reached alignment on a critical issue with Waterfront Toronto.”
Who oversees the development area in Toronto?
At first, we get to know that project was to develop the 190-acre site but unfortunately Waterfront Toronto has given permission for just 12 acres. This group called Waterfront Toronto is just to oversee the development area. In fact, we got the news regarding project that it is proved to be the most controversial because of many reasons.

Even we can share one reason like Sidewalk Labs looked to put data-collecting sensors around Toronto and yes the data collecting method got rejected. Now the report says the former evaluation of the project and also public consultation is now ready to set for the next year in the month of March for sure.
Statement of Sidewalk Labs and Chairman of Waterfront Toronto group.
First, let me share what Sidewalk Labs said regarding this project. They said, “We are working to demonstrate an inclusive neighborhood here in Toronto, where we can shorten commute times, make housing more affordable, create new jobs and set a new standard for a healthier planet.”
Now the Chairman of the Waterfront Toronto group, Stephen Diamond also shared his view. He said that “Let me be clear, this is not a done deal. There is still much work to be before a final decision. While a final board decision whether or not to proceed has yet to be made, we are pleased that we are now able to move to the evaluation stage on a project that has the potential to create new jobs and economic development opportunities, create a carbon-neutral neighborhood and more affordable housing units.”
When the Company Sidewalk won the contact for this project?
The project they already won to develop the area two years ago in 2017. While winning this project the Sidewalk Company promised a radical mix of offices, retail spaces and homes and solutions of urban problems with the help of technology like heavy traffic and garbage disposal.
One more thing, the report said that the Company Sidewalk is excited to execute its plan. For this they already released its blueprint for developing the site projects. In coming year Sidewalk will turn the Toronto into global city. Sidewalk predicted to produce more than 40,000 jobs will be generated in few years. Also Sidewalk promised to made the city more pure and more beautiful with the help of innovative ideas.
Now we all have to wait to see all these development. If Sidewalk did this then definitely this will generate more jobs and more chances to grow. Just get in touch with us for more updates and another interesting articles. Till then keep reading and keep sharing.