This is a common question that people ask when they are thinking about developing a marketing plan content Digital Marketing Company in Bath or entry into the world of blogging. How to make the right kind of content and how to make it as entertaining and informative as possible? The best way to think about what kind of content you will make is to put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Developing content that really connects with your audience is not easy. It will take trial and error before you find that so-called “Sweet Spot”. By becoming one of your customers from the start you can potentially avoid repeating your content again and again. So how do you become your customers and what is its purpose? The idea to put yourself into the shoes of your clients is to get an understanding of why they are or could be a customer, what’s the problem or pain points and how you can solve their problem better than your competitors.
Collecting data and information
There are some simple ways you can begin to understand your customers better, so you can create content that connects with their problems and at the same time providing entertainment and engagement.
Run surveys asking key questions about the issues facing your customers and how they relate to your services. Combining this survey as an email directly to clients after they buy your product or service.
Talking with your existing customers – why they stay with you? What problems have you solved for them? What do you do better than your competitors?
Email your customers your content and keep track of what they open up and engage with the most. This can help you identify areas most relevant content with your customer base
Where do you go from here?
The simplest way to start thinking about what kind of content you are going to make is to understand the services / products you provide and any expert knowledge or point of difference is. How are you communicating that through your content? How do you develop unique content? As a business owner or manager you are in the best position to understand how you can communicate what you do in a unique way. How example:
Motorcycle dealer
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Let’s say Jeff runs a successful motorcycle dealership. He has over 50 years of experience in the motorcycle industry and specializes in selling a particular brand and know everything there is to know about that particular brand. Instantly Jeff has a track content he can take. Focusing on a particular niche is easier than going after a broad topic that might not connect well to your potential audience or not as unique. Jeff can easily create the following content:
detailed product review on his blog
Maintenance and support tips
Podcast on new models released and features
YouTube video with a road test and other detailed information
This is a simple example to identify specific parts of your business that you have no passion or knowledge to and turn it into content that will educate and entertain the audience.
Channel and creating the right content
The first step is to always create a plan. Do not just start to create the content you will find that it may not resonate with your audience and you may find that the trial and error component of creating content that work takes longer. Doing the proper research, tossed around ideas about what your niche or specialization, and how you can communicate that in a way that is unique to your audience. Once you do that you’re halfway there to create great content that will help your inbound marketing, SEO and lead generation.
The next step you need to focus on is finding the right channel to market and promote your content. A blog is great, but it is not the only channel that you can use and finally the type of content Digital Marketing Companies Bath you create will determine what channel you use.