Keeping the smartphone bug free is challenge.
Since smartphone become an essential part of life just like managing the life is challenging task similarly keeping the smartphone bug free is challenging as well. Unlike desktops and laptops smartphones are a simple target of catching bug, getting lost and stolen by someone etc also hackers can also take benefit of coding error which we named as bug and can steal our precious data from our devices easily.
So, what should we do to protect our devices from the bug? Don’t worry right now we are going to analyze some major practical methods which can help in protecting our device. Here, we go:-
Don’t let your device laying around-
This is the most common method to keep our device protect but neglected by many. Keep your device with you all the time and do not become carefree and forget it anywhere especially at public locations such as coffee shop, metro station, restaurant etc. Don’t give your device to the strangers freely if there was an emergency then tell the stranger to use it in front of you because criminals eye’s is like always gazing for an opportunity to stole your device. So make sure don’t unnecessarily leave your device at public places.
Lock your device-
Your device comes up with various types of security locks that you can put to keep your device protect. Apart from SIM lock, choose the highest possible security code setting for your device version and operating system. Therefore, instead of a simple 4 character access code which can be easily broken by hackers opt for something complex and random in its characters which will keep your device and data secure in case of your device get stolen. Incase if your device embedded with face recognition security feature than quickly activate because it was also extremely secure method.
Download and install apps from verified sources only-
Before installing any application on your device, try checking the source and always download the apps from secure and verified sources only, such as secured sites or from the reputable places for downloading programs.

As an educated user you should always avoid installing apps from unknown or unverified sources even during the installing if your device gave the notification that downloading the program from particular can harm your device then avoid it and do not neglect these warnings. Otherwise those apps can badly affect device hardware and its performance. Incase if your device is of older version then you can manually adjust download settings to keep your device data protected from cyber threats such as bug, hacks etc.
Timely backup your device data-
Make a habit of remotely and timely backup of your device data regularly. This practice will make your device resistant to any type of bug threats. If incase your device operating system/service provider allows the cloud services then use it and if not you can get your back data by using the services Google drive and drop box for regularly collecting data on your device and regularly updating the backup.
This practice not only protects your device from bug error but even if your device gets severely damaged, stolen or hacked then at least the data and information which you have stored can be download to a new device.
Make a habit of logging out-
This is also an important practice to keep your device resistant from any type of cyber threat but unfortunately majority of the user don’t applied while performing daily task in their devices, such as online shopping, chatting, playing, logging in to G-mail, I-cloud etc. Most of the user do not logged out from any of the used application with a fear of that they might forget their account password.
If they perform repeated process of logging out and become carefree that device belongs to them as long as they kept with them nothing to worry. But believe this carefree attitude can cost you and your device because by staying logged into your accounts, your device become prone to the risk of fraud, cloning and online hacks which can compromise your device security.
Make a habit of timely upgradation of apps and operating systems-
We know that various types of updates come frequently in the market but please try to understand that these updates are necessary in order to keep your device safe and secure. No matter how annoying the process of upgradation of operating system is but if you love your data and device then you can bear that annoyance. Therefore, make sure you timely download and install updates whenever they come out. Believe us this habit will make your device almost 90 percent immune any type of security threats.
Be extra careful with public-Wi-Fi:-
Public zones don’t have that standard of security. Public zones are like a heaven for hackers from these places they can easily stole your transmitted information as it pass through the air over the unsecure and unsafe area coverage.
Conclusion-By understanding above mentioned points we can conclude that by following these steps user can easily protect their device not only bug but also from any type of cyber threats.