Stay alert from the professional hackers when using public WI-FI.
You are going outside with your family to restaurant and after reaching there you get to know that you don’t have a data connection in your smartphone all you have to do using the Public Wi-Fi to pay. Public Wi-Fi are generally seen for all such users who don’t have net connection in their smartphone and they need internet connectivity soon so what will you do? Do you use Public Wi-Fi to pay the restaurant bill or not? Almost 80% of people use the public Wi-Fi as it generally helps them to do online transaction rapidly. Do you think that you should check security before using this? Of course, we have explained in our previous article about the public Wi-Fi that how dangerous it is for the users who are looking to do online transaction.
Shopping or spending time while watching social media sites through public Wi-Fi is good but if you want to do online transaction then our opinion is a big “No”, don’t do that. If you are not aware then let me tell you that Public Wi-Fi does not offer encryption for the users who use same password and hotspot. With this your signal can be broadcast in immediate areas where the professional hackers can detect all such important information that they needed while using a hotspot or tampering software.

The job of the hacker is to get that network which you are using as they have the password so they can easily carry out the task. It doesn’t matter who has given you public Wi-Fi password. When the password is open for public then hackers also aware about it. So here attackers can obtain lots of information even they capture password with the content detail which you sign in. But don’t worry every problem has a solution and here there are some actions that you have to take before using Public Wi-Fi.
- If you want to secure your data and want to secure your traffic then use a Virtual Private Network. When you connect it then all your internet traffic is sent from your computer through an encrypted tunnel to the provider endpoint. So, it is good for you because your traffic is secure from any hackers that are using Public Wi-Fi. If we talk about the rate then we would like to tell you that you have to pay just $5-$20 per month but here we just want to say the security comes first not money.
- Some of the users don’t have the Virtual Private Network so here is a suggestion for you to connect to a website through Public Wi-Fi is encrypted. So, in the URL field you will find only HTTPS instead of HTTP as your entire session gets encrypted while you are browsing. It is the best one for you as there are many such sites that will easily encrypt your login and also it will send you an HTTP connection. So, we must say that it is the best to encrypt the entire session.
- Whenever you are using the Public Wi-Fi, never perform the file transfer protocol transaction and also don’t try to use other protocol too if they don’t provide the secure data unless you have VPN established. The most important one for the email client program that it always verifies SSL is used for IMAP, POP3 and SMTP server connection.
- Now come to the important one where the users should pay attention while using Public Wi-Fi. Many professional hackers setting up their own Public Wi-Fi near the side of Public Wi-Fi so here we just want to say the all the browsing activity routed though the attacker’s network which helps all the hackers to reach on the access of traffic here. If you are looking to avoid this then always verify the exact name of hotspot’s SSID from business hosting it.
Its good people are taking advantage of open public data connection but there are some professional hackers around who are always ready to steal the important data from our smartphone. So you have to be alert and read the above points to be safe from any issue related to Public Wi-Fi.