Technology is empowering women in 21st century
Technology plays a vital role in empowerment of women especially in developing nations such as India, Brazil and South Africa etc. Today we are going to analyze how these countries are achieving this.
Reducing the gender gap by providing the access in technology
According to a data approximately 200 million more men in the world are accessing technology as compared to women. A healthy percentage of women across the globe come in a category hardly own a decent mobile handset. Here decent refers to smart phone through which access of internet services is possible which is necessary for providing access to different organization networks, safety, Mobile health care, money transfers etc.
For example: Rajasthan state of India, government has make sure that accessing of mobile to each and every women is fulfilled. Due to this effort now women’s of Rajasthan does not need to go miles of for accessing basic services like water via mobile app. They can book an order of water canes or bottles essential for fulfilling their basic need
Promoting the higher education for girl child
There is a saying that if you make your boy empowered then condition of family will improve. But if you make your girl child empowered then the condition of the society will improved. Despite such an enlightening knowledge spread by the ancient legends of India, it has been taken decades for India to realize this. Significantly due to timely efforts made by both public and government which led to the situation where we are talking about women’s rights and girl’s empowerment now-a-days.

But even now there are few states or certain parts where the girl’s marriage at the age early age in parts of Bengal or Rajasthan.
Issue of female feticide and infanticide in the state of Haryana Government has initiated a project “Beti bachao Beti padhao” to spread awareness among the masses. Technology playing crucial role for the success of this project in coming times
Making the internet safe
According to a U.N (United Nations) estimation approximately 95 percent of cases of abusive language, harassment and derogatory imagery in online spaces target women’s.
International organization like U.N cooperating with its member countries for ensuring the safe online spaces, making efforts for reducing cyber bullying and online violence against women.
Since internet is advance technology itself therefore, making it safe for women should be first priority. If we don’t able to make internet or cyber space protective for women then it will affect their development across the world in coming times.
Developing capacity and women’s movements
Modern Era is defined as Era of Digital Technology where various types of digital tool become crucial for starting movement and developing vast organizations networks.
Exchanging of the information rapidly across the globe become possible due to women movements spread on internet. Prime example is recently occurred “Me too movement” which implies sharing of harnessing stories or any type of violence and crime against women in the form of twitter story.
When this movement comes in India it has expose and engulfed many public personalities and super stars such as television celebrity Aloknath and former external affair minister M.J Akbar.
Other benefits of technology initiatives worldwide
Expanding and increasing access of technology for women’s and girls in remote or tribal areas, thank to affordable offers of jio services accessing of internet services sky rocketed in India.
Advance technology based solutions reduce the gender equality issues like health, violence, economic and political empowerment. Technology is the way to stay safe and avoid harassment in a crowded city.
Due to the collective cooperation of public and government now in India you can see Girls and women’s playing leadership roles. We all have to put effort to empower girls and women to pursue opportunities in al fields.
In recent years female soldiers in defense become a reality especially in Army. In present days Digital technologies are special tool to ensure women’s movements globally.