There seems to be a surge in ‘skeleton’ that released in recent months, especially with the excitement over the latest HTML5 and CSS3 usage in new browers. There seems to be Digital Marketing Company in Newcastle some confusion over what they are and why you should use it.
Wikipedia defines a framework as
“… A CSS framework is a library of pre-prepared intended to allow easier, more standards-compliant web pages styling … They provide a number of options ready to design and put a web page … some authors use it most for rapid prototyping, or to learn from, and preferring to ‘craft’ CSS … “.
Collins English Dictionary defines a framework as
“… the structural plan or project basis … 2. The structure or frame supporting or containing something …”.
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Of the two quotations, I believe developers are divided into two groups; the first is that they will use the framework as a starting point, will edit and test itself, making it suitable for those on a per-project basis. The second group viewed the framework as a strict structure as to not tampered with and purely built on.
Here are some of the most popular frameworks:
Each framework has the benefit of itself, and can save time when the start of construction on a website. Look through each of the above options and see which one you think is most suitable for you.
We have been using HTML5 Boilerplate on several projects and have started tinkering with the framework in accordance with our own projects. We’ve found a good starting point for specific projects, and really can allow for agile approach to development.
Why use one?
Well, you probably already but just do not realize it. Each code you have become comfortable with and tend to be reused on a regular basis to start a web project, can be considered as a framework; set of code reuse for new projects could also be considered as a framework.
If this does not happen, then all the above promises to provide “efficient workflow”, “rapid prototyping”, “shrink CSS and JS”, “server configuration”, “conditional class”, “support cell”, “fliud width / fixed width “,” easy customization ‘,’ focus on accessibility and web standards ‘,’ css reset ‘,’ better typography ‘,’ style cetak’dan more!
Why avoid them?
One potential problem with the framework is that because of their popularity grows, people can use it for the sake of it, and do not fully understand the benefits of the framework.
I asked our Senior Web Developer, Paul, what his thoughts on the subject:
“I believe that CSS Frameworks serve the purpose of creating consistency both across browsers and all your web applications, however, I do not feel they completely replace the good, well-written bespoke stylesheet.
They tend to give a good amount of pre-style elements which tend to be replicated in some projects but I do not feel this is something new that every developer worth his salt would not have been built over the years. “
Some of the new kids on the block to take into consideration
We’ve talked about some of the more established frameworks around, below are some of the new framework around which may have a promising future:
We have found the perfect framework for a few projects, and almost useless for others. What do you think about Digital Marketing Companies in Newcastle the framework, and have you find them useful? Tell us.