hen you need an app to do some urgent work, after downloading it you realize that it is not working properly or it is very slow, how frustrating it is? The app we need and it will not work according to you that can make you feel frustrated sometimes because you want to work on that application urgently. Businesses of ‘app developments’ are reaching miles of success. Do you think that developers are the only responsible behind the slow working apps?
You can’t say like that because there can be many reasons which we should know like the storage of phone, bug issue and many more.
In this blog I will present some tricks or you can say ways to deals with slow smartphone applications. Make sure you read the points given below step by step.
Timely updation of your device is essential.
If you are using smartphones and its applications then it is compulsory to update it time to time. Negligence of app updation will keep your smartphone and you in danger. As you all know that software updates include some important security patches and amazing features. Updating of app will also make it more reliable and stable. You must have to update your apps timely as it will gives you better user experience. Your applications also need maintenance and timely updation will work like that. So don’t ignore the notification regarding updates. Do it as soon as possible for faster experience.
Reduce the load from your server.
Sometimes when we are working on applications we saw the message like, “The server is down or not connected”. This happen because of overworked and overload. You can face this issue not only in mobile phones but also you can see the same with websites too.

There can be many reasons behind this like due to multi-tiered infrastructure. Most of the applications work on it. Now you are thinking about what is multi-tiered infrastructure. Simply it means that an application built with multi layers. These layers include presentation layer, a domain logic layer, and a data storage layer. You can easily deal with this problem. You need to take off some load from your server by providing it an extra proxy server. It will help you to boost your request make it faster. It will work as load balancer.
Your connection should be optimized with SSL and TSL.
Your connection should be encrypted with SSL and TSL. By this it will authenticate the data sent between an application and a web server. Unoptimize connection will reduce the performance of your app. Suppose you are using an app to search something then the source from where your app will provide you the result will be optimize or simply there should be a connection for better performance. This is possible only by incorporating HTTP/2 and SPDY that play their role by reducing the connection overhead with clients.
Don’t store too many data in your device
Okay, this is too common for everyone to understand that heavy data storage will slows your app. Still, users don’t look at that after getting aware of it. The application becomes overloaded with data if too many servers are loaded. So if you still look for the solution to make it work in a faster way then compress the data as possible. If you have many images, videos then compress it and check it out, it will work faster than before.
Network problem can also slow your mobile application
It’s quite common that when your network is slow then your app will not work fastly. The speed of the network is important for you so it can affect your application process. Solution for this problem is you need to check the network speed all the time and also check when your app works slow or fast.
SDK and Libraries can be a burden for you.
No matter how strong or popular application you are operating which is developed by an experienced app developer. Error or slow performance can be occur in this. It can be happen with any app developer because the software development kit used by them is provided by the vendor and this is not in control of developers.
Before developing an app developers need to review the coding of SDK. They need to check the error and bug before proceeding with SDK.
Kindly ensure that you are using authentic, reliable and correct software library.
Wrapping up
We like every app which provides fabulous features but what about their performances? You can check out the review too before downloading any app. Above I shared some steps which can help you to deal with those applications which is not running faster.
Slow application makes you frustrate, before doing so kindly check it properly and find the correct reason so you can make it faster than before. You can avail the service of best app development agency to ensure your best user experience. Kindly get in touch with us for more updates.