A new addiction in the market: Social media
The time has come where we must say that we all know every kind of technology and aware about mobile apps whether it is about the social media application or about any other purpose. Well, my question is for you all that what you do first when you wake up early in the morning? Don’t say that you go for a walk or do exercises because the fact is everyone first look at their smartphone where it is to check the notification or messages you get from your friend or family members.
So, can you say this is a good start of your day while using the smartphone and looking mobile application or busy on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram? My opinion is a big no and the reason is simple that how you can start your day while using the social media sites or mobile apps when you know their lots of cons that can create a physical and mental health issue.
Social media is one of those platforms for the users where they can promote their business and can create alert to someone about their post and have many uses so we can’t blame on that but sorry to say it doesn’t mean that you should be addicted. It’s true that in today’s time all users are addicted to their smartphones and social media sites like Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp and many more which is used on a daily basis.

My next question is for you all that life is just to open your account and use the social media site that’s it? Well, if someone asks me this then I will definitely reject because in my opinion I don’t think so depending on social media site is the best way to reach the success.
From a research, we get to know that an average person spends approx. 2 hours in a day on Facebook, twitter, Snap chat, You Tube and other social media sites.
Many of the users ask how the addiction creates. Suppose you posted something on Instagram with a good caption and you think that the photograph you post is amazing then we all know what’s your next job is as you keep on checking that picture again and again after five minutes or ten minutes. You want to know that who likes that who reacted on that or who commented on that. This is one of the reasons of addiction as you feel happy from inside and want to open your smartphone again and again and that create a disturbance when you are eating food, study for your exam or doing anything. In this article, we also want to highlight some symptoms of social media addiction so that you get to know how harmful it is.
Promote jealousy for sure
This is the time of social media popularity as many of the users post their pictures or update their status if they are going somewhere. But many of you take it on a wrong way and you start insisting to go with your own friends and family that create symptoms of Jealousy as you want to look better than other and want to show to everyone.
Raise your anxiety level
The heading clearly explains that the addiction to social media sites can create anxiety level and also increase that. We all know that whether we come from college or come from school, first we have to look at our smartphone and check the updates. But if they don’t have access on social media then it creates anxiety and also increases the stress level which should not be happen but unfortunately, it does.
We want to ask our readers that do they know how the addiction can create or what are the sign you are addicted to social media? Let’s find out-
Waste time in scrolling unnecessary
Many of you are agreeing with this that scrolling social media site which is of no use can make you feel addicted to that. Let’s understand this with an example some of you start to stalk someone profile and look at each and every picture and also some of you read the news which is of no use I mean totally fake.
Update status wherever you go
We are here writing about the social media addiction then how can we forget to write about to update status and checked in whenever we go. Frankly speaking that we all love to travel but it doesn’t mean that wherever we go first we have to put checked in and then feel good. How ridiculous is this when someone eats something or going for the party and start putting stories of food and drinks.
Contact your friend via social media
This is a big issue for making you social media addict as whenever someone wants to talk to their friend, they try to avoid face to face communication. What they do is just open their Facebook account or Whatsapp and start talking through chats or video call. Is it a life? I don’t think so social media communication is better than face to face communication.
Not only these three, but there are many signs which can prove the user that they all are social media addict. Do you think that this is the best part of your life where you just have to sit idle and use your smartphone to contact your friends? Obviously not, in this article, we don’t want to say that social media is one of the worst platforms for all but we all are a sensitive person so change your life and move forward.