Today we are going to tell you what is going on between the social media platforms. While getting into deep research we get to know that one social media app copying the feature of other social media applications. Yes, it’s correct as you have seen the feature of “Stories” on Snapchat application first. Now you can watch this feature on different-different social media apps like WhatsApp and Instagram too. This kind of coping strategy is copied by LinkedIn as we saw the platform has introduced us with a feature of “Event” where we are allowed to create an event even you can attend the event.
Now create and to attend events with LinkedIn “Event feature”
Facebook has introduced us with this feature first but now you can operate this feature on the top professional networking site called LinkedIn. After a long time, the platform LinkedIn again in sources where they expected that millions of users who operate this platform make use of these features and spread more about it. User’s need such kind of advanced feature where they get involved easily in any event to grab the opportunity.
You already have operated the event feature on social media giant Facebook but the feature of event in LinkedIn is new for you all. You must understand everything if you like to attend or to create events for your businesses. The event announcement was made last month and finally few days back on October 17th, 2019, they launched “Event feature” globally.
The feature they have first started with the English-speaking market and now even non-English markets can too operate ‘Event feature’. One more thing we want to share that the Event product was built out of the Bengaluru Research and Development Centre for every user globally.

Head of Product, told something which increase your interest in the product
Ajay Datta, Head of Product, LinkedIn India said, “LinkedIn event is the first product built out of the Bengaluru R & D Centre for a global audience. The Bengaluru R & D Centre has also conceptualized and built LinkedIn “Lite” Android app in 2017, which has now scaled to 70- plus emerging markets across the world and supports 21 plus languages.”
Ajay Datta has also confirmed that keep event product aside, the LinkedIn platform is looking to develop and test avenues so that they can connect with members using QR Codes, business cards and also proximity-based beacons. He also highlighted that this professional networking site has the power to use the tools for blocking someone or spam events and conversations. Ajay Datta said, “We are deploying proactive and reactive measure to ensure the conversations on “Events” are safe and trustworthy.”
Features that can create curiosity more while operating “Event feature”
We understand about this new product called “Event” so now you all need to know what unique features it can offer to you. Keep your eyeballs below-
- You are allowed to create an event and here while creating you can add title, date and time, location, description and even hashtags. You are looking for payment but here is not a proper method for that. It has integrated an option where you can link to your event page at an external link.
- You are looking to invite the attendees then it’s not a big deal while using the ‘Event feature’. Even the feature provides you an opportunity where the attendees can share your link ahead.
- Last but not least, all attendees need to watch this that they are able to share the event on the native event page which is just like normal news feed one. We suggest you to make use of share text and also media posts on the event page for sure.
If we are not wrong then let me tell you out of 645 million users, there are 60 million Indian members who operate this platform so we guess we don’t need to explain how powerful the platform is. Many event management companies feel relief after knowing about this new feature that recently launched and boom the market.
We know that LinkedIn is best platform for any professional, after introducing this excited feature LinkedIn shows their efforts to maintain its popularity. This is not enough LinkedIn is ready to show more amazing updates soon related to “Event Feature” and many more other features.
Get in touch with us for more updates till then keep reading keep sharing.