Ios and Android the two big shots of smartphone market. Before comparing two let’s understand both the operating systems
1. Android- It is an operating system developed by Google. It supports and run almost every type of smartphone brand. Supported by Linux and Intel processors. Linux provide him an open platform.
2. Ios- It is an operating system designed and developed by Apple incorporation which works and support only Apple manufactured devices.
By combining both of them have over 99 percent market share. Both are different operating system and different set of approach so sometimes users want to know which one is best suited to them. Well it depend upon various factors like demography, market share etc.

Not only for users but as an app developers and programmers they also had to make choice between two which is the better platform to begin with. So let’s trying to do detailed analysis from two different points of view which include differentiation based on various factors so that you can decide which one is best suited for you.
As an app developer these are the factors which affect you in longer period of time. So get your pens ready and start taking notes.
- Which platform is best suited for developer to begin with is also depend in which country you are living or what is your geographical location. Because in the developed or first world countries like U.S.A, Canada, Australia, japan, etc.
- In these countries ios is more popular as compare to Android. You can also say because of higher per capita income. People of these countries more wealthy and they can bear a certain limit of cost for developing an app. Ios is a major player here.
- But if you talk about developing countries or emerging economies like India, China, countries of South American Continent, Central Asia etc. Android is a major player in these market reason is simple because higher middle class and low per capita income compare to developed countries. So it is advisable that developer in these countries should start with android.
Market Share–
- Back in 90’s era there used to be more digital platforms and operating systems in the market other than ios or android like Microsoft, rim, Symbian, and various several small operating systems.
- But in current times ios and android remain only major operating systems in the market. By combining both of them account for almost 99 percent market share.
- In which ios dominating in developed countries like U.S.A, Canada etc. and Android dominating in developing economies.
- But android is slightly ahead than ios. Because developing countries like china and India accounts 1/3 rd. of total population of the world.
- Due to this very reason android skyrocketed after 90s in terms of developer choice for better platform to begin with.
Monetization and Budget–
- Monetization and Budget both are the important factors in determining which best platform to begin with android is or ios. Since both of them have their advantages and disadvantages.
- Developing an app on ios platform is more profitable than android in longer period of time. Because of quality and freedom ios provide its developer.
- It might be possible that initially your designed app will not get published or launched on app store.
- Because apple do not compromise with quality and features and recommend suggestions in case if your designed app gets rejected. So that you can make improvements this will only lead you to get better as an app developer.
- While Google play store hardly reject any app due to larger android market they prefer quantity rather than quality although Google play store allow free play through ads and subscriptions.
- If you want to earn profit through monetization in which ads, subscriptions etc. is allowed than android is best suited for you. But in case if you want to earn profit without monetization than apple (ios) is best option for you.
- Also creating an app on ios is faster and less expensive while creating an app on android. But android will give you more flexibility in terms of features but costly in longer period of time.
Now as a user/customer point of view these are the factors which will determine your choice.
- Provides you greater flexibility and features in term of customization. You can customize almost everything in your device from home screen to apps everything.
- Android support over 100 languages.
- File transfer is very easy in android as compare to ios. You can transfer files, images, etc. by using U.S.B port via desktop, laptop.
- The greatest feature of an android is that it is an open platform support and function on various smart phone manufacturer brands like Samsung, Motorola, Sony, H.T.C, Nexus etc.
- Allow functioning and subscription of third party apps freely.
- Can do free video chat through Google duo and other apps.
- Comes with longer battery life
- Android provides better cloud services than ios. Ios still lacking behind in this function. If you need extra storage Google drive offers you 2 $ per month 100 GB.
- When it comes to security android is lacking behind ios. Timely and speedy updates are now crucial because new types of security threats are emerging every day.
- Last but not the least customer satisfaction. In terms of security threats hacks known as Heartbleed and Stagefight. Android cannot guarantee security from these types of attacks. Because current android phones still running on year old software and can be vulnerable to latest threats. Timely upgradation plays an important part as security in android smart phones. And therefore, lacks in customer satisfaction.
- When it comes to customization ios do not allow freely customization of its smart phone because of security measures. Although through Jailbreaking user can bypass this obstacle but it will compromise his/her phone security.
- Since ios is dominating operating system in first world countries and its target audience limited. It supports only limited number of languages that is approximately 34.
- File transfer is very much difficult in ios as compared to android. In ios you have to download or purchase i-tune app from App store only then you can transferred your files, images, audio, videos etc.
- Ios (apple) do not allow functioning of third party apps. For that you have get your device jail broken. In case you want to download apps from other stores.
- If talk about cloud services. Apple also provides cloud services form its app i-cloud but as compared to android its subscription and purchase cost is expensive.
- When it comes to battery life ios provide in built optimization through which you can enhance the battery life of your device.
- When talk about security and customer satisfaction. The trust and bond of ios with its users cannot be broken in this aspect. It provides encryption of messages in I-message app.
Also prioritize your privacy so that user can get satisfaction that its data and information secure and safe. Encrypted data even not read by the company itself. When it comes to security no one can beat apple dedication it even went war with F.B.I to guarantee the customer right to encryption.
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