Let me tell you the trend going on these days on social media applications. Instead of uploading pictures as a post on your profile, people use the facility of putting stories which will stay just for 24hrs and then it will be invisible for everyone. There is no doubt to say the feature of sharing a picture via stories launched by the Snapchat but unfortunately, Snapchat can’t reach those miles which they expected because of some issue of their founder related to Indian users. I think this can be the issue but other social media apps are happy with this issue because they have launched this feature of putting stories.
Audience always love those applications where they can find outstanding features and putting stories or video for 24hrs is one of them. The feature we have seen in the application like WhatsApp and Facebook. Let me tell you that these days the app like Facebook is second priority of everyone because they think Instagram is the best choice.

Instagram is one the application which allows you to post your pictures, upload video, use the facility of Instagram app stories, you can follow your favorite celebrity and many more. Yes, unbelievable features we saw here. I guess the app like Instagram is worth to operate. Okay, good news for you all that this year the Instagram might be more interesting for you because they are ready to show some outstanding features. Let’s readout-
What new you can use while operating the app called Instagram?
1. Music Sticker:
Okay so the first feature I want to share with all of you is about the music stickers. As we already know that when we put stories on the app, we get many features like to show time or place but I think the music sticker facility is exciting to use. You all operate the application Instagram so I think this facility you are not going to miss out. The feature is still pending and yes no one has announced the official date of launch about this feature but sources said that you gonna check it out this year for sure. You are allowed to use music stickers, to add theme songs and also for background music to your story.
2. Your Activity Time:
The next I am sure that you will like because it for all teenagers who spend most of their time on social networking site. Feature is also related to ‘time spend usage’. We all know that after the launch of the app like Facebook, WhatsApp or Instagram we are so addicted that it is too difficult to keep distance from mobile phones. We want to check every notification. So many of you wants to know how much time they spend? Instagram announced that soon they will launch such feature where you are allowed to check how much time you spend here.
3. Video Calling:
Now the next might be simple and common but this is important to understand. As we all know that at F8 Conference of Facebook, they have tested the feature called video calling and we are using this feature. I have written this feature because most of you are aware of the video call but you will be surprised to see that Instagram allow you to do a group video call. To start this, tap on the camera at the top of the messaging thread to which you want to talk. You can have one on one call and even you are allowed to enjoy the feature of a group calling.
4. Sticker Of Donation:
Another feature is ‘sticker of donation’. The feature Donation Sticker of Instagram allows the entire user to raise the money for non-profit within the Instagram application. Let me tell you the process just open your camera of Instagram, click the picture and swipe up to watch the sticker of Donation. Once you did then check before completing 24hrs that how much fund you have raised. You can use this money for charity.
Every messaging application is different and far better as compared to others. Those apps are quite popular and showing finest features, Instagram app is one of them. Many more updates are available and some are still awaited. I think this year the popularity of Instagram app will definitely increase more and more, the reason is fabulous features they are showing. The application is worth to use. Use this app at once. Keep your eye on it so you can’t miss the latest updates. Till then keep reading and get in touch with us.