Significance of NODEJS framework in App development
After the introduction of Node Js framework it is become favorite framework among the developers for building an app. Because it provided the relief to the developers from the issue of using different languages for client side and server side scripting languages. Thanks to Node js now it is become possible to develop scalable server side applications simultaneously. It allows using java script for both client side and server side purpose. Therefore, it is become one of the best choices among developers for building an app. But this is not only the features. Today we are going to discuss some more features that will tell why Node js is the best frame work for app development. In this article, you will come to know about the best frameworks for Node js development.
- Express.js
It is an open source frame work design and developed by NodeJs incorporation. It is developed to work as a middleware and routine frame work. Express.js is the part of mean stack for backend development.
- Hapi.js
It is designed and developed by Walmart embedded with variety of features such as caching, built-in input validation, authentication, cookies, routing, server methods etc. it is a frame specially designed for building web services and applications. It is used by some major websites such as Mozilla, Disney, PayPal etc.
- Locomotive
It is the framework especially designed for building web applications. It helps developers to design and create well architect applications. Ruby on rails is the best example of locomotive frame work.
- Total.js
It is a web framework for creating high quality web applications supports MVC server side frame work. It is compatible with different types of databases such as MongoDB, potgreSQL, My SQl, and also supports some front end networks such as react, Amber and angular.

It has a well-designed structure embedded with variety of features which can be used in web development like image processing tool, mail sender tool etc. It is best for creating highly responsive applications at an affordable cost.
Full stack Node Js frameworks
- Meteor
It is highly used framework in full stack frame work category. Because it provides the freedom and flexibility of its developers in terms of features such as it can use same code for both client side and server side of the application. It also provides feature of APIs to communicate between back end and front end without any hassle. It also contains atmosphere.js features and more than 26000 smart packages and also it has strong community support of developers and documentation.
- Mean.IO
Another candidate for best full stack frame work with the help of Mean.IO developer can perform his task quickly. Due to its complete development stack ability developers while working on this frame work don’t need to choose separate components for experimenting. Because all types of tools present in this framework designed and configured to be used together.
It also embedded with variety of other developing tools like babel and GraphQl etc. developer have access to complete java script enabled tool set for web app development. It can be used to create application of all size and diversity.
- Socket.IO
Another candidate for best full stack framework great for developing and designing apps that are based on real time response, bidirectional and event based communication. Its prime objective is to build real time apps that are compatible with each and every type of browser and smart phone device irrespective of the difference between transport mechanisms. Socket.IO is compatible with multiple transports for example flash sockets, web sockets, long polling etc.
By understanding above mentioned points we can say that Node.js framework deserve to be the best framework for developing an app. Because the features and framework versions it provides to its developers no one will provide