Just a few taps your short message can easily send to other people so thanks to all such messaging apps that are available in the play store. Nowadays to post a letter to someone is an old method, just try the messaging app and wish them while texting. We people like such technique which can save our money and time. For this you don’t have to write on paper, get to know proper address and no need to post letters. Now people operate their phones and download such applications where they can talk to their friends via text and here it also allows you to call via video and voice call.
WhatsApp update itself to stay in your mobile
Texting to a person is the first option now so let me tell you the first and one of the popular messaging applications these days and it is WhatsApp. Simply just text to someone no matter how far he/she lives away from you, a message can be sent via WhatsApp. Day by day it shows you some accurate and finest features; this can create more interest in you for using this application. You people daily operate this application so that’s why today I am gonna share some points regarding your chat experience that how much changes WhatsApp brought for you.
Fingerprint lock feature

As you all know Facebook is the owner of WhatsApp introduced with feature of biometric unlock first for IOS WhatsApp users. After 7 months it is now available for WhatsApp Android user also. I think such kind of feature is must for the every user so that they never look for other applications. Now WhatsApp is ready to show some advanced concept. Every iPhone operator has the ability to lock the WhatsApp application while using Face ID or Touch ID. Now every beta version user of Android phone can operate this feature now to create more interest and gain chatting experience.
Consecutive voice messages
Above we explain to you about the fingerprint concept now the time is to tell those users who like to talk via sending audio on WhatsApp. This is new for the Android users as the feature is available for them now. Basically, it is playing the voice message manually and instead, it allows you to play consecutive voice message automatically in your WhatsApp. The role of the application is that here it notify you after playing the first voice message then just after second voice message played automatically. Try this feature on your Android smartphones and get such amazing experience which you need for the WhatsApp.
WhatsApp from Facebook tag added
Owner of WhatsApp, Facebook Company brought many such changes which can keep their WhatsApp user alive. After introducing these features no user will shift to other messaging apps. Now WhatsApp is ready to be their first choice. For this one more new feature can create more interest in you. They update something for the beta users as “WhatsApp from Facebook” label to the application. Here the users are allowed to check from WhatsApp to the Facebook label in WhatsApp setting section. Facebook just want to clear about the product and service that are part of it.
New Boomerang feature like Instagram
I think Facebook is obsessed with Instagram once again and now they are ready to offer WhatsApp one more feature called Boomerang soon. After taking feature of putting stories on the Instagram app, now Facebook is looking to highlight this Boomerang feature for WhatsApp users too. When the feature will launch, it will be available in Video type panel and you can also see it converts to GIF feature.
Welcome to Dark mode
Most of you are Facebook Messenger addict and I am sure you like Dark Mode feature. Now this feature is going to boom WhatsApp soon and there is a big reason behind it. You all know that mostly used messaging app is WhatsApp so the feature Dark mode will save your battery and you feel comfortable on texting at night too. Facebook discussed launching this feature last year but due to some reasons, it can’t happen. Now they have decided to update WhatsApp with Dark Mode feature soon.
Messaging apps are the one which is downloaded by everyone. It fulfills our basic texting need. Everyone keeps at least two or three messaging apps in their smartphones. Every app has different features and their usage. WhatsApp is the only app you can see in everyone’s mobile. If latest and interesting features will not be getting introduced then it is difficult to retain its users. We just want to say that if you keep updating your user and show them something unbelievable that it not only creates interest in them but also they always keep themselves busy with your app.
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