Here I can clarify to you many social media applications because there are too many who gives you the finest feature that you are looking for. People always choose the right option and always go with those application which get popularity. Apart from Facebook there is no such app which is too popular. You can include WhatsApp too because both applications are the basic need of users nowadays. Today I will tell you something extra-ordinary as we share many posts on the Facebook account but is it factual that you are allowed to share your Facebook post on WhatsApp too. This is something new that Facebook provide to use and special credit goes to the Founder Mark Zuckerberg.

People always go to those applications where they watch something different features and updates. We want all of you to understand about the sharing Facebook post on WhatsApp. I will tell you how to use this feature?
How to share Facebook post on WhatsApp?
It is possible and if you want to operate this then read the below steps-
- To use this feature first log in to your Facebook account in your mobile phone. Now what you have to do is go to write something here on the wall. You are also allowed to share any post of your friend.
- Okay so you watch out that it is uploaded now. After that go to share option.
- Share dropdown menu will open; now select the “Send in WhatsApp”. After that, it’s up to you that to whom you want to send the post so select the contacts by your own choice.
- Finally you will see the chatbox open and then all you have to do is just click on ‘send’ and it’s done.
What Mark Zuckerberg speaks about this?
Actually, the founder of Facebook plans that everything should be shared in one platform and they are working on the Instagram app too which will operate this feature in coming months. The popularity is starting falling of Facebook because teenagers like to use other apps which show advanced features but I think if Facebook provides such kind of features then they can gain more users now. He said that “We are looking to help the people to make their work easy by sharing Facebook posts on WhatsApp application if they want to have a conversation with their WhatsApp contact person”.
Some similar features of WhatsApp and Facebook.
- Two of the main platforms where I think most of the users operate their account on mobile phones are WhatsApp and Facebook. Let me tell you that there are some features that you can use in both app. Like, WhatsApp has introduced the feature of sharing story and now same you can operate the feature in Facebook too. Both the app shares this feature of putting stories for 24hrs.
- Facebook allows its users to do video and voice call to anyone, even if the person lives far away from you. Same feature you can see on WhatsApp. It allows its users for voice and video call on WhatsApp.
What is next for WhatsApp?
Planning is important before introducing anything. Let me tell you that the owner of WhatsApp already has been started testing the feature of share the status post on Facebook and Instagram. I think this feature is a plus point to gain more number of users as you users are allowed to share status seamlessly over to Facebook, Google or on the Gmail if you want to. This type of feature creates more interest and yes it is the best option to gain users for Facebook too. The date still not revealed when it will launch, so just keep patience.
We can say that success of all social media application depends on their user. We like the app that shows advanced feature. If it is then any app can gain success. This is the age of competition. If application developers and their owner will not work on their app to update with latest features then this is tough to retain their users. Above we explained that what’s new feature Facebook introduced and what is still in process. If you didn’t use this at all then start operating it and check how amazing it is.
Get in touch with us for more interesting articles. Till then keep reading, keep sharing.