Relevant to Business English applications for registration as a limited partnership reaches Companies House on or after October 1, 2009
the formation of a limited partnership to Digital Marketing Company Bath be officially confirmed after it has been registered with Companies House.
limited partnership must also include their name indicative of their status.
In addition, the information required in the application for registration will be changed.
This limited partnership registration confirmation
This time is not always clear whether or not the limited partnership has been officially registered by Companies House.
Therefore, from October 1, 2009, Companies House will issue a new limited partnership registered with the certificate. It will be convincing evidence the formation of partnerships.
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Naming limited partnerships
From October 1st, 2009, all new limited partnership would have to include either ‘Limited Partnership’ or ‘LP’ at the end of their names.
If the registered office in Wales, the Welsh equivalent of either of these terms may be used.
Information required in the application for registration
From October 1st, 2009, an application to register a limited partnership must:
specify the name of the company in which the limited partnership is to be registered
signed – or otherwise authorized – by or on behalf of each partner
made to the registrar for the part of the UK where the principal place of business limited partnership is to be located
Detail application must also:
the name of each limited partner and general
the general nature of the business partnership
The main point of the proposed address of the business partnership
term – if any – in which the limited Digital Marketing Companies Bath partnership is to be included – beginning with the date of registration
the amount of capital contribution of each partner is limited and how it is paid, eg cash or other specific forms.