Undoubtedly, the demand of android apps is increasing in the mobile market. Many big players of the industry are using these applications to promote their reach to customers. Till date, Google has launched more than 3 million Android apps in different niches including sports, education, entertainment, fashion, games and more. In fact, there is nothing wrong in saying that these apps have now become an important part of our daily lives. However, such large numbers and world-wide accession of android apps create a strong and tough competitive landscape for developers to mark their presence in the same. So, if you are also interested in developing a unique and profitable Android app, then make sure, you have read all the enlisted rules carefully for the successful development of android apps.
What do your users demand?

If you are not sure about the necessities of users, then the probability of failure of your Android app is quite higher. So, the foremost step prior to the development of the Android app is to analyze users’ needs and market trends. This helps you as a developer to set your goals and priorities.
Is your app compatible with multiple android devices?
Variety of Android devices is flourishing in the market, in different screen sizes and features. This means that if you want that your android app successfully runs on all of them, then don’t forget to optimize its performance across different Android devices.
Is your app easy to use or user-friendly?
Have you ever wondered that what is the use of developing an app, if your users are not able to use it? Being a developer, you need to develop an app which possesses responsive UI. For that, pay attention to its grid-based layout, JavaScript and media attachments. If you have done justice to them, then there are high chances for the successful development of your Android apps.
Have you done the testing of your app?
Before presenting your app to its users, you need to be sure that your app is working well on the grounds of speed, performance, categorization and more. For that, run the multiple cycles of testing iterations and enhance its usability for its users.
Is your app free or paid?
Nothing can be better than offering a free app with higher performance and efficiency. So, why don’t you go for developing an app, which is free to download? Free availability of app has more potential to draw the maximum number of initial users. Also, when your app gets enough popularity, you can go for the paid version too. Android app development is not an easy process at all as small errors may lead to some major destruction. So, it is advisable to implement above-mentioned rules carefully and take help of experienced android app developers or companies for better payouts.
If you are going to start your business. You must have to go with your own website. Kindly get in touch with us for any kind of website. We will be happy to help you.