Commonly SEO mistakes which we commit without realizing
Once the application is developed majority of developers think that job is finished. Your site will not be considered successful until it receives higher traffic generating rate by the visitors. For making your site successful you require effective marketing and promotion strategy and here SEO techniques will play the role. In the flood of thousands of sites what is the thing that will make your site stand out from the fray?
There are some major mistakes which developers commit while applying SEO (search engine optimization) techniques. Remember if you are also committing these mistakes then you might not get the desired results. We are going to enlist those common mistakes, so let’s have a look.
- Use of generic keywords.
Generic Keywords are the keywords which are commonly used by the website which are already using that keyword. As a result your site is not generating potential traffic. This is an important factor in order to promote the application or a website. We use these keywords while searching an app in search bar of play store. This will show how quick and on what rank your app is appearing. So make sure to use some unique keywords. To do this try to put yourself at the place of visitors and try to think what kind of keywords they might use to search your app.
2. You didn’t optimize Anchor text.
Anchor text of a site plays an important part in deciding that how your site is going too described in search bar? Means whether it is a gaming site, music site placing the anchor text is not an easy task. Remember that URL anchor either make or break your site ranking and one thing must be kept in mind that you should be creative while giving the Anchor text to your app.
3. Your website contains no original content/very little original content
Well I think do not need to emphasis much on what originality in content means as visitor are more curious towards newness and freshness. These will come when you will try to write original content and for that you must have knowledge. Same thing goes for search engine; Google will enlist top ten ranking of those sites which have something new to offer to its users.

If your website just uses content copied from other sites than Google will placed you deep down and poorly place at ranking where visitors will not able to find you conveniently.
4. Not giving importance to mobile users.
Thanks to improvement in communication technology, users around the country increasing at unprecedented rate. Since now almost everyone has smartphone in their hands so the number of people accessing internet via mobiles is increasing. So, while designing a website or homepage do not overly emphasis on desktop screen size and designed page according to it. You should also consider mobile users which will benefit you for longer period of time.
5. A/B testing site method.
It is also known as split testing and bucket testing a method of comparing two website against each other. Due to lack of proper knowledge and information developers find hard to keep track of the performance of their site. For determining the performance of your app, developers can deploy A/B (split testing and bucket testing method). It is a very effective technique of determining the site performance by sorting out the best from the average and highlighting the factors that is degrading the performance of your site. The affecting factors can be anything ranging from keywords placement, URL or other things. Testing is key factor of SEO strategy which will help developers in determining the most effective SEO for apps.
6. Make effective use of QR code
Just like keywords URL, this is also an undermined factor by the developers. There are thousands of websites who have catchy design, awesome description also but they are not receiving high rate of download. This is due to the lack of QR (Quick response code), QR code helps in optimization of app which makes your site easily identifiable out of those thousand apps that are flooding in play store every day.
7. Mistake in optimizing site for local search
This is a major SEO mistake committed by various developers while applying SEO techniques that they forget to use the keywords or location specific keywords which describe their locality of a business and firm. This mistake is intentionally attempted to make the site visible for Global searches. But important facts to address the chances of business orders are form of local areas as compared to worldwide. Although this situation is tricky so it varies business to business and developers to developers.
Above mentioned mistakes are some of the commonly committed SEO mistakes chosen from a wide variety of list which should be focused and improved while developing a website That’s all for today folks.
If you are going to start your business. You must have to go with your own website. Kindly get in touch with us for any kind of website. We will be happy to help you.