Content creation can get a bit difficult sometimes. Apparently, to come up with something unique regularly can be quite taxing. Are you too struggling to find unique content for your Facebook page? Then here’s your cheat-sheet of top 7 ways to find unique Facebook content!
Many business organizations use Facebook for brand promotion. And why not since marketing on Facebook has a lot of benefits. This is one social media platform that has a user-base coming from every corner of the world. You can find people of almost all demographics on Facebook. Hence, the chances of you not finding your target market on this platform are close to zero.
However, to get marketing benefits out of Facebook, you need to keep your business page updated. This requires constant content creation. And not only that but you also need to produce high-quality content. Otherwise, your Facebook followers won’t like to engage with your business.
Now, it can get challenging to come up with something unique every time. So, let’s help you out with that one!
7 Best Methods to Find Unique Content for Facebook

#1 Follow famous blogs in your industry
Following blogs of the key players in your industry can be really beneficial. If you haven’t done it yet, you’d be amazed to find how awesome content is available out there. Do relevant research on the key players in your industry, find out their blogs, and start following them. It is best to subscribe to blogs so that you will get notified via email every time they update their blog with the content of your liking.
This will also help you learn and get a better grip on your own industry knowledge. Moreover, by taking inspiration from such sources, you can create quality and value-rich content for your Facebook followers.
And this can be one of your unique Facebook content idea supplies.
#2 Check out comments
Be it Facebook, blogs, discussion forums, or any other internet platform; make sure to check out comments. You will be surprised to know just how much value you can find there.
If you follow the right accounts and pages where quality content is posted, there is a good chance you will find quality comments as well. People generally talk about their queries, thoughts, and so—basically things that will allow you to get a better understanding of your audience.
And of course, along with all that, you will find abundance of quality-rich unique content idea for Facebook.
#3 Go to Pinterest
Since we are talking about Facebook content, talking about images is a must. Images are inevitable—in fact dominating—part of Facebook content. Therefore, you’d need a quality supply of images for quality-rich unique Facebook content.
Pinterest is undoubtedly a very popular social networking platform for image discovery. Many content creators post their unique visual content on Pinterest. You can also find industry-specific great image content out there.
Hence, Pinterest can be a great source to find unique Facebook content for your business page.
#4 Allow audience to write on your wall
Allowing and even encouraging your audience to write on your walls can be a great idea. This will not only help you solve the issue of content on your Facebook handle but it will also help your business with marketing.
So, make sure that your privacy settings allow your audience to post on your blog. Moreover, this type of content will require constant moderation so make sure to be very active. It is also advised to create a set of guidelines regarding such posts.
#5 Use polls
Facebook polls are easy to incorporate, fun to use, and are very effective. Moreover, using polls in your Facebook posts can be really helpful in many ways. First, it will help improve audience engagement rate (which makes Polls itself a unique Facebook content).
And by conducting polls, you can also better understand the preferences and dislikes of your target audience. Based on that, you can get some unique perspectives. This will ultimately help you create unique Facebook content.
#6 End posts with a question
End posts with a question. It sounds like a very little thing. However, you will be amazed at how helpful it can be in finding unique Facebook content ideas.
When you end your post with a question, apparently, your audience will reply in the comments. With this, you will be able to get your hands on some awesome Facebook content.
Therefore, make sure to end your posts with question so as to instigate discussions.
#7 Use snippets from your own blog
This is another awesome tactic that can help you find awesome content for your Facebook. And at the same time, it has a great marketing benefit.
Hence, by sharing snippets from your successful blogs, you will solve the issue of content on your Facebook page along with promoting your website.
So, take out unique excerpts from your blogs and post them on your Facebook from time to time. And don’t forget to add the link to your blog!
Many business organizations sort to Facebook for marketing purposes. However, regularly finding unique content for your Facebook audience can be quite a task. Hence, with the list given above, you can identify and find some constant sources for unique Facebook content. So, for effective content marketing and audience engagement on social media, make sure to follow this list.