Blockchain is no more an anonymous term in today’s digital marketing world. Majority of people would know about it especially those who are into digital marketing. We’ll know at what rapid speed digital marketing is growing, so is blockchain technology. No doubt, blockchain technology is all ready to alter the […]
Blockchain Technology and its key features
‘Blockchain Technology” you must have heard or read this term somewhere on the internet or from word of mouth. But you are unaware of the details of it. Don’t worry you are not the only one. Many people don’t know about this technology because of it’s reach. Actually technology has […]
Top technology trends to watch in 2021
With changing calendars every year technology trends keeps changing. This article will revolve around top technology trends to watch in 2021. Do you know Sophia? No, she is not an actress or sportswomen. Sophia is a humanoid robot. Yes you read it right. She is ‘human-like’, talks like human and […]
How Blockchain Technology is transforming the entertainment industry?
Now Add Blockchain Technology with entertainment industry to experience more. Only one thing in this era which is unstoppable and ready to give the best results whether you work in the health care industry, agriculture industry, banking industry or any other and that is Blockchain Technology. Day by day we are […]
Involvement of Blockchain in App development is important
Security is the only thing, every developer is looking for. They want to show their best and for their mobile app development process and security matter most. We all know that securing data nowadays is so important because it just takes a few minutes to hack your devices and steal […]
Role of Blockchain in Construction Industry
Construction industry also known as Real estate sector is one of the major sectors in economic context. Every nation has its own construction industry; it is a high investment intensive industry. At the same time it is also a most corrupted sector due to its high investment intensive nature. It […]