Google’s new social networking app ‘shoelace’

Iam adding mobile applications as your basic need in day to day life because I don’t think so we all people can live without that because of its growing trend. We saw many people don’t look up when they walk just looking at their mobile phones apps and forget the […]

Is Google’s still working on Chinese search engine or not?

Ithink what Google has done for everyone is hard to find out with another tech to do such thing. We have seen many updates many new features which keep our interest going on. People like to spend their time on Google via internet as they know that whatever the problem […]

Mi Pay app is now available on Google’s play store

Back in March 2019, the Mi Pay application was introduced for the digital payment and Xiaomi Company is the one behind launching this digital payment app. At that time, the application was just for those who want to download the app from the MI App store but now good news […]

What Google announced its ‘Quantum Supremacy’?

Those who always want to keep updated with Google news, here is a surprise for you folks. Google announced about its “Quantum Supremacy”. They reveal about this advanced computer in a blog post, you must read out that. How many of you have used classical computers? Well, that can be […]

For Android, Incognito mode is available in Google maps

You don’t want your internet history to be seen by any of the users so you always use the Incognito mode for this process. This is the best option for you all because it keeps your information save for the future. The question is, will this kind of feature is […]

Google wants Toronto to make a smart city

We think Google is now shifting their minds from smartphones now they are looking toward the aboard cities for the development. Yes, it’s true a Company which is known as tech-giant now they are moving forward and focusing on Canada’s Capital Toronto and wants to create a smart city in […]

Quick App update of Xiaomi has been blocked by Google Play Protect

f you are a Xiaomi android phone user then you are well aware that Xiaomi phone come with heavy UI customizations and many pre-installed apps featuring irrelevant advertisements and pop ups no one asked for. Though Xiaomi is a big Chinese company and widely known for its android phones, but […]

Political ads have been restricted by Google worldwide!

Online advertisements are the big advantage for marketers to market their products worldwide, but now not only marketers, but also political leaders take advantage to gain more votes and propagate their political campaigns online. However, it is not bad to use advertisement as a tool to promote anything but yes, […]

‘Google job search’ is going through investigation by EU

There is no doubt to say that Google has something which other companies don’t have. We all are reading something special about Google these days whether they introduced with an advanced feature of job search or something related to Android but now the question raised by the European Union. Well, […]

Clever tips of Gmail to make it more useful

e all agree that we use Gmail regularly for our professional and personal communication. Every morning when you enter in office the first thing you is to check your emails. There you can see that you got 100 of mails. It is very difficult to sort, which is most important, […]

Google decided to shut down its Google Hire in 2020!

ear after year Google has launched many different products and services, apps, new features in the mobile, updates, etc. However, the Company has shut down as many apps and services as they have launched because of some specific reasons. It also quite makes our sense because if a product doesn’t […]

What is Google Pixel 4’s ‘Astrophotography’ mode?

Let me start this blog by asking you a question- why do you use mobile phones? I know today phones are very essential to carry with us. Still, there are a lot of people who use phone for different reasons. For instance, some people use phone just to make and […]

Now Google will alert your contact if you are on vacation!

Dear Folks, the heading you read is right. Isn’t sounds interesting? Obviously yes, now you don’t need to inform manually to your clients, your friends or whoever in your contact that you are not available. In the month of September this year Google rolled out a new feature for G-suit […]