Nowadays Instagram is very popular amongst all. It is the picture and video sharing social networking application.
You are also allows to transfer pictures and clips over the network.
The Instagram likewise enable its clients to alter the transferred pictures with the assistance of different filters. Well I don’t think Instagram need any introduction. It is one of those apps which focus on extra ordinary features. After using Instagram we can say that it has one negative point. Chatting on Instagram is not its primary feature like Snapchat. Instagram is now active and ready to do anything which is possible to retain its users. To compete with Snapchat, Instagram is going to introduce with the messaging app “Thread”. Let’s go ahead and try to know about it.
Reasons of introducing ‘Thread’ app by Instagram.
By continuous rise on the popularity of Snapchat Instagram is losing its market share and its users.
Even though, currently Instagram is way ahead in market share and demographics in comparison to Snapchat.

Instagram still considered this messaging application as a threat for its own existence because number can change easily within a period of time.
So, in order to counter Snapchat, rise its decided to launch “Thread” messaging application which contains features as similar like Snapchat.
Facebook the owner of Instagram is working on this project. In the past whenever any messaging application started giving competition to Facebook, Facebook always acquire those.
So, the strategy of company is clear whether to improve yourself, if it doesn’t make the difference then purchase the competitor. Both WhatsApp and Instagram owned by Facebook.
How Thread will work?
As you all know recently Instagram has been shut down its messaging app called “Direct”. After this Instagram announce that “Thread” will be its new messaging app. With the help of this app anyone can chat with close friends like Snapchat. It also has the camera feature inside the app. Users directly can take the pic and also can send the nearest and dearest one. As I mentioned above Thread is connected with Instagram so you can easily share Instagram content on Thread.
According to the ‘Verge’ automatic sharing option is its key feature. After opting auto sharing option you can see your friend’s real time information. Also Threads will update your status. It will also show you who is online with the green dot.
Just like Snapchat feature, Thread is also giving you option to show your location on real time. Many more features are similar to Snapchat and you also can say that Instagram tried to do something more. To know about the detailed feature we have use this application and to use it you have to wait till launch.
With the help of Thread Instagram is trying to compete with Snapchat. It’s hard to say will Thread can compete with Snapchat or not? By understanding above mentioned points nobody can deny the fact that Snapchat has potential to threat Instagram.
As we all know Instagram is owned by Facebook, so it is an ultimate threat for Facebook itself. Due to up gradation of Instagram the difference between Facebook and difference has become very minute. We think the strategy of purchasing didn’t work on Snapchat so they had decided to give them competition by launching the “Thread application” well further details of this project yet to be announced.
For more updates get in touch with us. Till then keep reading, keep sharing.