You like the website or web browser in starting days but I am sure that the time will definitely come when you are just got bored from that. Wants to know why? Reason is very simple and that is when that website or web browser will not show you its new advanced feature or not come up with latest updates then users will got bored after using same thing again and again. Updates are a part of such sites which is must to grab more number of audiences and not to leave any user. So, today I am gonna share about the latest update of Mozilla Firefox. Mozilla Firefox is an open-source free web browser which was created in 2002 by Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla Corporation.
Special updates shown to change the image of Firefox, have a look
We all know about this web browser. It is too popular as we used in our computer. Well most of us only operate that thing which shows an outstanding feature. If you want to know about Firefox then let me tell you that here you gonna see its tabbed browsing, spell checking, incremental search and many more. Even you can watch out the features like live bookmarking, a download manager, private browsing and Smart bookmarks. The Mozilla Firefox has implemented many web standards which include HTML, CSS, DOM and ECMA Script.

Above we have told you about the Mozilla Firefox. It is just a little introduction because I think words can’t be enough to show how good Mozilla Firefox is. Right now we have written this article to inform you about the latest updates of Firefox. I know most of you don’t know about it. Check it out-
New Updates for Firefox which you should know
1. We have done research regarding this matter and get to know that user’s sometimes don’t find Firefox easy to use. Update has been done in this issue. So the developers have worked on this and present a toolbar menu for your Mozilla Firefox account. It gives more transparency when you synced or when you share entire data across devices.
2. The next is I think most of you know about the purpose tab. Every user is allowed to pin the tabs. They are allowed to pin the tabs from the Page Action menu in the address bar.
3. Now the role of Main Menu and login autocomplete creates, It is now easier for you all to access your list of saved login. It is too simple for Firefox users to learn the better ways where you can manage your password.
4. Every user gets access to turn different Firefox to install side by side by default. This is essential because if it happens then you are allowed to run the beta and release version together. One more useful feature we got and I hope this will be very useful.
What more special you gonna see?
1. Here the Firefox play its role by protecting your data and keep you aside from running an older version of the browser. This should be happen because it can lead to data corruption and stability issue.
2. You all know about the Mozilla Firefox highest performing compiler as the Javascript compiler now ready to support ARM64 Windows devices.
3. One more changes you gonna see. When the HTTPS error caused by antivirus software gets detected, the role of Firefox is to attempt automatically for fixing it.
4. For the security purpose, Crypto Mining and fingerprinting are added together. The reason to add them is they will strict for content blocking setting in Privacy and Security preference.