Several months ago, the search engine giant, Google, announced that they were changing the nature of the ‘nofollow’ link, which was first introduced back in 2005 to help them fight spam Digital Marketing Company Bath comments and flag-related advertisements or sponsored links. However, due to the world wide web has changed significantly since then, Google believes that the time has also come for link attributes evolve as well.


Update nofollow links have led Google to introduce two new link attribute that will provide webmasters with additional ways to display the properties of different links to Google. It is to do with the sponsored links and User Generated Content (UGC), both of which will be further explained in this blog post.

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Do not want to read all that? Skip to the bits you need here:

Do Nofollow Links Anyway?
Why Do You Want To Determine A NoFollow Attribute Or Link?
Google Update To NoFollow Links
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Do Nofollow Links Anyway?
Let’s get back to basics, before moving on to things that are more complicated.

When a web page receives inbound links from other pages, got a little SEO boost. Google considers these links as points or so many links pointing to the page, the better, helping rose rankings on Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

This is because Google is taking note of how many links pointing to the page and the types of sites they are from. It thinks that if a page receives many links from trusted sites, then it should be a really good page and relevant and will be returned to the user in the SERPs. This is known as a ‘signal of trust’.

Google uses a metric called PageRank to calculate points or the link that turned into what many SEO experts call ‘link juice’, which flows through the site via a hyperlink. The more reputable sites, a bigger push web page link juice gets.

Now back to follow and nofollow links.

Follow the links are links that are counted as points, pushing the juice links to web pages and increase the page rank, the higher aid go search results. nofollow link, however, is the link that does not count as points, does not increase the search engine ranking of the page or help it rise up the rankings.

To determine whether the link is a nofollow link, you will use the rel = “nofollow” tag, which instructs Google not crawl it. A second example the link below:

Follow the link:


NoFollow link:


Why Do You Want To Determine A NoFollow Attribute Or Link?
A world without a nofollow link spam ever be one. Many people are used to try and trick the search engines by spamming websites as possible to link to the web page they are trying to rank. This example will send spam blog comments at the end of the blog post and this sort of method is fast becoming a black hat and unethical, destroying any chance of fostering genuine blogging community with an authentic discussion.

This is when Google stepped up and introduced the nofollow link and it’s done a lot of good as a stop spammers posting links to know they will not get the attributes of action and therefore, crawling or ranking.

However, not all is lost with nofollow links.

They still link at the end of the day and can increase brand exposure and drive traffic to a web page. It is also valuable to be voters who did and did not get the link attribute acts, for linking to sites that have a rating lower domain that you could potentially harm your search rankings. Keep the links follow for those who can improve your rankings domains and URLs.

Google Update To NoFollow Links
Now there are three types of links and attributes that can be used to mark up an outbound link and provide Digital Marketing Agency in Bath webmasters with additional ways to display the properties of different links to Google.

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