No one can match the platform level of Whatsapp and Facebook.
Nobody can match the platform if we compare with social media to facebook and Whatsapp. We all know social media is the best way to do everything in these days. The work of social media is just to chat that’s it? No, you can do much better than that as here we want to clear that you should come out from the thought that only chat is possible as you can do promotion if you are operating your own business.
Basically, it is the best way and best platform for all users who are looking to expand their business more and in fact in this way you get number of users shortly. You can get the number of users for your business with a social media platform.
We all know famous social media site like Whatsapp and Facebook app where the users always use it in their day to day life. Many of you want to know the difference between these two popular sites. So, let’s find out in today’s article about the difference between the Facebook app and the Whatsapp application.
The first aspect which we want to share with you is about the Calling feature as you all know both the app provides this feature where you can call to your near and dear if we talk about the calling feature then Whatsapp comes first. It let everyone call if there is a problem in the network or you can talk to other people even in 2G network. Now if we talk about grouping call then we suggest you that Facebook Messenger is perfect for you where you can talk to 50 people definitely but here Whatsapp is not a good suggestion because it doesn’t allow more than 4 users.

Now let’s move and see the second difference that might be important for you if you are not aware. Here we are going to present delete message aspect. We all know at least one time we open Whatsapp and Facebook app each day and sometimes you wrote a wrong message to someone and want to delete it on the spot. The feature is possible as you can delete the message on the spot only if you have written in Whatsapp. Facebook app doesn’t allow you to use this feature but with lots of research, we get to know Facebook is trying to bring this solution but currently we have to agree that Facebook doesn’t allow such feature.
Now the next aspect which you can say is about the looks of the application as here we are talking about Whatsapp and Facebook design. So, here we want to say that Facebook messenger is using modern method and design as compared to Whatsapp as it has a feature of gradients where you can select multiple colors to customize your chat conversation. Here we can say that with the time, Messenger is going to show something different and good one as compared to Whatsapp.
What if we say that Facebook messenger requires more space and data consuming as compared to Whatsapp then would you believe? It is true as you all know that when you download Whatsapp from your play store, it doesn’t take too much space as compared to Facebook where you have to download the messenger too to text your friends. People mostly love to use those applications which require less space in their mobile phones and here Whatsapp gain plus point.
At the end, we just want to say that we have written this article not to show you the bad effects or bad qualities of each other as we all know both Whatsapp and Facebook is the perfect platform for us. Above we have shown some points related to their qualities which you should know before using the app.