WhatsApp rolled out an in-app notification for all its users two months back, in January 2021. Since then, there has been a constant controversy surrounding it. During this time, many developments took place. Many updates were rolled out, and many new apps entered the market. However, one thing still stands. WhatsApp is still going to implement its update privacy policy. To learn about it, read on.
The messenger giant WhatsApp rolled out a notification at the beginning of this year which informed users about its privacy policy update. According to the WhatsApp, this update in Service Terms and Privacy Policy relates to messaging between businesses and their customers on WhatsApp. The Facebook-owned messenger suggests that it has been done in order to improve the eCommerce taking place on WhatsApp.
So, what’s the problem? What are WhatsApp users mad about?
WhatsApp’s new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are being interpreted as a threat to users’ privacy. Whether it is true or not, that’d be a whole another discussion.
What is WhatsApp doing about it?
Since the update, WhatsApp has lost many users to its competitors. Despite of the efforts put by WhatsApp, this outflow of users continues to be so. Apps like Signal and Telegram have benefited the most from angry WhatsApp users. Hence, WhatsApp has been trying everything and every platform to clear the confusion and misinformation around its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
WhatsApp is trying hard to clear the air
Originally, the date to review and accept (or decline) the updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy on WhatsApp was February 8th. However, looking at the way users received this news, WhatsApp extended the deadline to 15th May. This will give the users more time to read and understand the updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Since then, WhatsApp has also been trying to clear the air in face of what it is calling “misinformation.” The messenger app also took it to its very own feature—WhatsApp status—to explain users that their privacy is not being threatened.
WhatsApp has also taken it to its official blog to clear out the (supposedly) confusion around its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy update.
WhatsApp has also released some feature updates recently
Moreover, it has also rolled out about a couple of feature updates recently. This has been done in order to improve user experience on the app.
Some of the major feature updates of WhatsApp are the converting of “Archive” into “Read Later” and, the introduction of logout feature.
These new features are inarguably useful. And well, these may very well be some damage control moves in order to stop the outward flow of users.
WhatsApp is hyperactive with the marketing of its new app features along with trying to clear what it calls “misinformation” and “rumors.”
It is doing so much to win back its users, but there is one thing it is still adamant on.
WhatsApp is determined to implement its updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
Regardless of all the backlash, WhatsApp is still adamant on implementing its new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. It is set to be in effect starting from 15th May.
WhatsApp won’t delete your account after 15th May
One major development in this matter is that WhatsApp— unlike stated earlier by it— won’t delete the accounts of those users who don’t accept its updated terms and policy by 15th May 2021.
However, such users would neither be able to access WhatsApp until they do accept the new terms.
Users will have partial functionality of WhatsApp for some time
WhatsApp promises a short period of partial functionality to those users who don’t accept the updated terms by the extended dead line. This means that the users will be able to:
- Receive calls
- Get notifications
But the WhatsApp users will not be able to:
- Read messages
- Send messages
Bottom Line
This shows that WhatsApp is still adamant with its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Update. The messenger giant is doing everything to clear its image and win back its users. But WhatsApp seems to have no intention of rolling back its decision. What will become of the digital marketing and communication systems of the countries using WhatsApp? Well, the time will tell.
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