I want to go for a trip with my family members but the only problem is I am not able to find the perfect place to go and even I am not able to get the information about the hotel, services nothing. What I have to do now? Only one option is left now which is perfect to do all such things and that is mobile apps. Nobody can forget our basic needs like food and water but wait a minute… I am adding a mobile application to one of my basic need because I know how important it is to have best applications in our smartphones.

The application’s requirement can generate anytime so I have to download all such apps whether to pay someone through Paytm app or for a free time Gaming app. But these days people are worried about the applications which they download and at that time application is asking for permission of call records, location, Gallery, Contact etc. Do you think that application should ask for permission for SMS, Contacts or for anything? If I am downloading the game app then why these apps ask for accessing contacts, images etc.
Think twice before allowing any app
Well, every coin has two phases if one is bad then another is good one. There are many other apps which require your permission but don’t steal any personal details. This article is for those who are worried about apps when they ask for permission to access your data.
The more you get to know about this process the more you will be in the safe zone. As you have seen many mobile applications they ask to access of your camera, contacts. The reason is for explicitly access specific parts of the smartphones but it is not true that every mobile app need same permission. Let’s understand this point of getting access of data with an example. As we all know that the application Uber which has to reach at the place where we are and drop us at our destination, where we have to go. This app requires the permission to access the location of your phone. This is understandable
Are you still confused? Okay, one more example and I am sure your doubts will be clear. This time it is about the top social media app which is in trend and that is ‘Instagram’. When you want to upload a picture, Instagram needs your access permission to your camera and gallery so that they can find out the picture and upload it when you want. But downloading lots of mobile application in IOS and Android smartphones is still a trouble one because such types of application require permission and if you give permission to one of the apps which should be avoided, then it may harm you.
You all know about the Location permission as if you allow this this permission then it can track your location where you are. It’s a green signal for the hacker. Many cybercriminals are waiting for the moment when you allow any app and they can reach to you by sending phishing emails. Most of you unknown from that open it and then it start ruining and using your personal information.
This is just a starting of application permission as you have seen many apps want the permission of your SMS and if you allow them then they are able to track your SMS messages even if you do an online transaction with the help of OTP number then you are smart folks you already know the result. Also, contact permission can be a burden for you because many applications need that and if you allow them they are able to watch your contacts and also can steal many personal numbers from your contact details.
These days stealing information or hacking smartphone is increasing because such hackers don’t care about anyone because their only motive is to get much information as they can. It’s your duty to keep safe your personal information. For this, what you have to do is if any app wants such permission then don’t give them in just one second. First wait a moment, watch out the all activity like rating and review of applications, star given by customers, watch out the app with full details as what actually it is.
If you are looking for best application for your business then you can visit our official website to know more. We provide application development service for Ios, Android and Web also.