Who can replace and rule, like Whatsapp did?
Let me tell you an interesting fact related to Whatsapp as we have done research related to this app where we find out that impossible word is not written in the dictionary of Whatsapp. I want to say that Whatsapp is not behind from any of the mobile application because the feature you can watch out in earlier or new application, it is already in Whatsapp first. Well, I think there is no need to introduce to you one of the topmost and popular messaging apps nowadays and that is Whatsapp and why it is because it shows you outstanding features to every user.
Relax folks it will not take too much space when you want to download this app or even if you want to update this app. I have written about the update where it means that whenever you update the application from your play store, it always show you something different and those features which you have never seen in any of other social media messaging app.

I think the words can’t be enough to describe how amazing Whatsapp application is for us and yes now it is one of the basic needs for us. I think you have set your mind that nobody can match the level of Whatsapp. So, change it because there are many other applications that have similar features and ready to show the same facilities but unfortunately they failed in the market. Why they failed, let’s discuss about those apps.
Let’s go back and remember the year 2018, when a famous personality or you can say a Yoga guru Baba Ramdev released the Swadeshi Application which was named as “Kimbho” on 30th May 2018. When it was released people saw that it uses the technology Swadeshi and make only one motive to replace the Whatsapp app. The feature it provides is similar to Whatsapp as you are allowed to do video and voice call with others. Some said that it was immensely criticized by people and that is why on the next day after release it was removed from the Google play store. It got only 5000 users with negative comments in review option. So that is why the application which has only one motive to replace Whatsapp failed and Whatsapp still in everyone’s smartphone.
So let’s move on and discuss some more application that was released in India as rival of Whatsapp. With bad luck they can’t got success in the market and those are Hike and Nimbuzz. Well, I have seen the first messaging app of voice over service also you are able to send stickers, images and video. I am talking about the app Hike, which was launched in 2012. Unfortunately after getting more users it still failed.
Do you think that Nimbuzz app replaced with Whatsapp? Let’s read out this as the application Nimbuzz was released for mobiles phones and tablet as the application was launched in 2008 where it shows you the features like instant messaging, free called many more in starting days. Giving such types of feature and still failed in the play store is a heart-broken moment and that’s what faces by Nimbuzz while getting 150 million users in 200 countries.
So it’s simple to understand that how Nimbuzz app also failed to replace the Whatsapp.