The mobile applications have significantly marked the growth in the past few years. In fact, by 2020, the mobile application market will be of worth $190 billion. And, when it comes to the android apps development only, they are individually dealing in billions of dollars.
We all are aware of the stories, in which a 12-year-old child made millions overnight or the development of an app makes a person one of the world’s richest person within a few years. However, undoubtedly the market is full of those apps too, which don’t perform well and make no money at all.
Why is it so? Why do some apps make you Richie Rich whereas some offers you nothing? There are lots of reasons for this huge gap in monetary success among apps. In this post, we have compiled many ins and outs together so that you work on them and make better earning from your app in the future.
Let’s start with the platform, where you want to run your application. Based on the comparison of market shares, Android is ruling the market with 80-85% shares. So, your decision to move forward along with an android app seems to be profitable.
Android app is a broad term and categorizes into sub-groups like education, entertainment, NEWS, fashion, games, business and more. And, each of them has a different contribution in generating overall revenue for Android apps across the globe.
In terms of earning, gaming apps dominate the other sub-groups. A large number of Android users are fond of gaming apps like subway surfer, PUBG, candy crush and more. As a result, these apps are projected to generate revenue of million dollars per day. We guess you also must be having one of them on your mobile phone.
Next, to gaming apps, social apps like Tinder and entertainment app Netflix have created a buzz in the market. So, if you have an interest in gaming apps, and aiming for higher earnings, then you should move ahead.
However, most of the gaming apps, especially above-mentioned ones are free to download, then how do these free apps manage to earn so high? The answer is App Monetization.
It is a complex process which includes key factors like advertising, sponsorship, in-app purchases, subscriptions, collecting and selling data, referral market, email marketing and many more as the source of money for these free apps. These proven strategies generate revenues of worth millions and billions. Let’s discuss them one-by-one.
Mobile advertising is one of the widely used strategies for easy and high app monetization. All you need to run the commercial ads inside your mobile apps just like you may encounter while using YouTube. After that, your app automatically begins to get money for every impression, click and install.

What I mean is every time the ad is displayed to the user on installation/uninstallation or at the time of using the app, you get paid for it. Similarly, if any of the users click on the link, or install the advertised app, then again you get the monetary benefits from there.
Therefore, on average 32-36% of app developers choose to advertise for getting paid.
Sponsorship can be of great value in terms of monetary benefits. However, finding the right sponsor for your app is not an apple’s pie. Right sponsor is the one who already has a large volume of traffic and online presence in his hand, which in turn helps you to target your prospects.
Have you ever noticed that after giving access to explore some restricted features, free apps often demand the subscription fee for unlocking the other options?
It usually happens with free gaming apps. Initially, they give liberty to users to explore, and once they found users are happy with the performance of the app, they ask for a subscription. However, Android apps use subscriptions for 5 % app monetization.
Referral marketing:
How many times do you shop something on someone’s reference?
Many times or better say every time we ask someone before investing our hard-earned money in anything. So, referral marketing is a practice of promoting things or services through referrals. Based on the revenue model like cost per view, cost per click, cost of impression, cost per install, the reference apps earn money.
The biggest and simplest example of referral marketing and affiliated income is Amazon. A large number of banners and ads run continuously on the page over there as an app monetization strategy.
Undoubtedly, innumerable ways are available for effective app monetization. If you also want to earn, then learn these strategies. In fact, there are many tools like Google Admob, InMobi, and Amazon’s ad system, which help to advertise for better earnings from the apps.