To be honest there is no standardization in the language used for app development its depend upon various factors particularly for which platform you are designing and developing your app. Requirement of ios is different than the requirements of android and there are also several small operating system available in the market. So it is solely depend upon the developer’s choice which programming language he/she chooses for designing an app. Although today we will discuss some major and most common programming languages of the app. Here we go.
- Java script
Most simple and at the same time most enhanced programming language. Need less time and get easily compatible with as many browsers that is built in java script. One can begin with loosely coded lines to see the instant results of your code.
Some essential features of java
- Java is compatible with all platforms
- Java supports APIs
- Java has very strong IDEs which makes the process of coding simplified and error free.
- Java also has an object oriented language.
- Python
It is advisable that beginners or fresher’s in this field should start with python as their programming language because it is most simple and easy to learn programming language required less time and less line of code and comes up with good programming style.
Some essential features of python
- Python has an interactive language.
- It is recommended for novice/beginner app developers because of its easy to learn feature.
- It supports GUI(graphic user interface) apps
- Python has an object oriented language.
- It is compatible with different operating systems such as Linux, mac, windows etc.
The leading mobile app developer platforms were, App maker, Sap Xamarin (Microsoft) etc. But remember learning a new platform will gradually take more time effort and dedication. Online low cost and app developers related study material, tutorial available for novice and beginners.
This programming language was originally designed for websites. It is also known as side scripting language. Once you fully learned PHP. Designing of powerful websites, web applications and all types of smart phone apps will be like piece of cake for you.
Some essential features of PHP
- PHP is easily compatible with the servers.
- PHP is an open source platform
- PHP is both object oriented and procedural based programming language.
- Just like Python PHP is also very easy to learn programming language.
- C++
It was considered to be one of the basic programming language along with its ancestor C which is considered to be mother of all programming languages. It is an object oriented language.

This language is called industry programming language because of its large usage in variety of industries ranging from banking to manufacturing industries. Despite of its traditional features and functionalities C++ remain a first choice for top app developing companies to develop applications for windows, android, IOS etc. In India it is a widely used programming language.
Some of the essential features of C++
- C++ processing is very fast.
- It contain massive library.
- As we discussed above it is also object oriented programming language.
- Buildfire.js
Buildfire.Js is much more complex programming language designed for performing special tasks. Buildfire SDK (software development kit) and java script provide facility to the developers to create and designed a mobile apps alongwith the support of buildfire backend.
It is specially programmed with the features to support most common businesses. The only task of developer remain to design the program that suits customer needs and specifications instead of having to build from the scratch.
This programming especially designed with a feature of flexible architecture that allows developers to use its client side java script programme such as react, angular, jquery etc.
Some essential features of buildfire.js
- Buildfire.js is easy to learn and has enabled pre-programme framework that makes it ready to use.
- Buildfire.js give developer access to a shortcut to mobile app development because it shortens the time spends on developing apps.
- Buildfire. Js is very scalable programming language.
- Buidfire.js is best suited for the novice developers who had just begun theircareer as smart phone app developer .