At the time of crisis how can you keep your site up?

Follow these tips for keeping your site up at the times of crisis Due to the advancement in communication technology internet has emerged and revolutionized the industrial sector. The way of doing business with old traditional methodologies, practices has been totally changed. Internet has gave birth to the digital marketing. This new […]

Best mobile applications for parental control?

Download these applications to protect your children from the negative influence of mobile. The modern age is the age of technology due to which accessibility of smartphones has increased. Now everybody including children has a smart phone, this increases parent’s tension and worries. The internet has type of content which in any […]

How to attract the right crowd to your website?

Building a house online for your brand is a task that aspire, but one that comes with many responsibilities. Two of the most difficult challenges for businesses today is to stand in their Digital Marketing Company in Stafford industry and to stay ahead of the competition. Digital Dot know this […]

Influence of social media on businesses

Use social media to grow your business. Every businessman starts his business with a great idea and always keep strategies in mind to run smoothly. Some of his friend or family members share some bullshit ideas like to do this or to work like this and that can be a […]

How to save your personal data while using public WI-FI?

Stay alert from the professional hackers when using public WI-FI. You are going outside with your family to restaurant and after reaching there you get to know that you don’t have a data connection in your smartphone all you have to do using the Public Wi-Fi to pay. Public Wi-Fi […]

What strategies you have to make to download your applications first?

Adopt these strategies if you want to raise the ranking of your application. Competition in app development industry is growing by each passing day which resulted in the outburst of marketing strategies. Every app developer wants to ensure that its application downloaded first as compared to other applications. But this competition has […]

“Assistenza SIM” latest suspended app from apple play store

App like Assistenza SIM vanished from apple store. Day by day the uses of smartphone and the mobile applications are increasing and people are totally depending on that. Whether they need information or looking for an app that can be used as their leisure activity. There are many applications which launched daily […]

Do you know about progressive Web App?

Get insight of why Progressive web App is the future of App development? Progressive web app is the new phenomenon in app development industry. But don’t panic it is not some kind of new frame work or technology.  These are the applications which can do the task as native app or […]


Site improvement methods decide sites positioning in web crawler results. Seo Company in Kolkata upgrade a site so as to build watchwords positioning in list items and file proportion. A site is advanced by altering HTML code just as substance. Another significant highlight pick SEO administration to expand the quantity […]

SEO mistakes that can ruin ranking of your websites

Commonly SEO mistakes which we commit without realizing Once the application is developed majority of developers think that job is finished. Your site will not be considered successful until it receives higher traffic generating rate by the visitors. For making your site successful you require effective marketing and promotion strategy […]

Whats app vs. Facebook? What’s the difference?

No one can match the platform level of Whatsapp and Facebook. Nobody can match the platform if we compare with social media to facebook and Whatsapp. We all know social media is the best way to do everything in these days. The work of social media is just to chat that’s it? […]

Latest update regarding LED Expo Mumbai

Now LED expo is in Mumbai, Excited! Today we are going to discuss something unexpected business strategy as we have already studied various ways to operate a good business. But the question is how the unexpected business operates? Have you ever go for an exhibition of technology or any other. This will […]

What does the future holds for today’s web app developers?

Dreaming of becoming a web app developer, then these factors will impact your future The future of App developers is bright it doesn’t matter whether they are designing apps for mobile platform or web. Due to the rising demands of smartphones the demands of mobile based applications has increased. This […]